The Virgin Mary helps to find the way to natural and supernatural values. Lk 2,41-51
It helps everyone to navigate life’s paths in a way that will benefit them for eternity. If children fall away from God, they cause pain to their parents. Today, it is not uncommon for a child from a good Christian family to choose a different path than he was led at home. Even in Christian families, children are exposed to the plague of our time, such as drugs, computer games, and sects, but also to the difficulties of mixed marriages. They conclude marriages outside the church. God respects the reason and will of every person. God can do everything, but not against the reason and will of man. Despite prayers, tears, and other sacrifices, parents witness that their child is deaf and dumb to what they raised him to do. It often takes a long time. It is necessary that parents do not lose hope despite the long time. Knees often win this battle.
Each they keep in mind that God will not forsake. Mary and Joseph searched for Jesus for three days, and Jesus was the Son of God after all. Mary and Joseph did not understand why Jesus acted like that. Despite this, they faithfully fulfilled their parents’ mission. Let this be an encouragement to those parents whose children have found a different way or philosophy of life. In the same way, our families suffer from the separation of spouses. Today, infidelity and illicit married life are mainly promoted by the mass media and presented as something harmless. Where the spiritual life is weaker, the divorce rate increases. Not only in the beginnings of life together, in the first crises, but also when the spouses are in years. Likewise, parents are pressured by material and housing difficulties, and contraception is also related to this. Today’s world does not want to call abortion a sin. Even many Christian spouses do not consider illicit married life to be a sin.
Today more than ever in the past it is true that it is not enough to just lay the foundation of a family, but to build it more and more carefully. The Gospel tells about two men who were building their houses. Only he was “wise” and built on the rock. What he cared about was the foundation. What was in no hurry to quickly finish the house. He reckoned with the difficulties that might arise. And marriages today? We have to take it, instead of: we are already mature. Better, parents, tell yourselves that you will help your daughter raise her grandchild, but not advise her where to take him. But also, young women and young men, remember that words are quick to say but hard to put into practice. Once said “yes” before God, it applies “until your death and mine, and in any adversity” it does not stop when all the conditions for the valid and permissible conclusion of the sacrament of marriage are fulfilled at the beginning.
Maria points to the obligation to work on the sanctity of our families. Life is often very short and eternity does not pass anyone by. Prayer for the family, for its members, and joint prayer at least once a week are strength, encouragement, and strengthening for our families. Mother, father, son, or daughter are also very significant and multifaceted for us in connection with the words my or mine. Let’s pray for them and ourselves at Holy Mass.
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