Surely you are wondering what new you will learn about Jesus. You might be interested in something from his childhood. But very Little is written About this in Holy Scripture. Except for Jesus’mother and her husband Joseph no one knew that Jesus war more than an ordinary boy. Jesus did not show anything that Joseph was not his real Father, but he was God the Father. It is mentioned that Jesus was very wise. When Jesus was 12 years old he was in the temple in Jerusalem through the Holidays. There he spoke to the old learned priests. And they all listened to him in astonishment, he said so wisely. When Jesus was About Thirty years old he left the house. He began walking in the villages and telling People about God About his Father. You know that because of that has become human. But he had it difficult. For Thirty years he lived like an ordinary man. Surely he was Always very good and Kind. But somehow he did not manifest his deity. Then how could he begin to speak of himself as the son of God? No one would believe him. They would surely have considered him a fool. He had no legitimacy About who he was so that everyone could be convinced of it. And yet somehow he has to prove that he wasn’t an ordinary person, that he had the right to talk About what God was and what he asked of us. Jesus proved he was God by doing miracles. But do you know what a miracle is? Is it something like wizards do? You’ve already seen a magician pulling a live Rabbit out of his hat. Or he tears a Banknote into small pieces and then suddenly shows it all up. Are magicians who guess, who’s got something in his pocket. But this is only magic is not Miracle.The magician learned it. Anyone who’s clever can learn it too. But the word Miracle certainly heard many times. Possible this but it’s a Miracle that you got a unit in school today. Who has Always the units in school About it, no one would say it is a Miracle. So here the world Miracle means something rare has happened. That someone unexpectedly gets a unit is not a miracle, but a bit like him By the fact that a Miracle does not often happen we can say that rarely. The real Miracle there is something much more. Something that no man can do only God. Listen carefully to the story of Jane. This story help you understand what a Miracle is. Jane likes to help your mom at work in the garden. He was there when mother planted the Peas in the garden. He wanted that mum puts a lot of Peas into the hole but mum told her it wasn’t necessary. Because a lot of new Peas grow from one pea. It didn’t seem like it, but in the summer she found out. Then she got a great idea. She buried the glass balls into Ground. She enjoyed in advance how many of them she would have. But for Nothing she enjoyed the balls Nothing grew. Her mother explained that Nothing could grow out of the balls, because there wasn’t as much strength in them as in peas. Then, once the doll fell out of her hand her leg broke. Jane also had a broken leg a year ago. Uncle the doctor put her foot in the gyps. She had to lie in bed. And her leg grew together. Jana put the doll in her cot and wrapped her leg around her. And waited, but in vain. The Dolls leg didn’t grow. Jane went to see the doctor and asked him to do it. He told her she didn’t care that doll foot, because it will never grow. Jane asked who could do it. The Doctor told her that only God. Since then Jane become more Aware of everything around her. And she still had something to admire. How is it possible that from one seed grows a flower and another carrot. From one egg hatch chick, How is it possible that one raspberry cherry stone grows into a tree that can be turned into a big basked every year. And when they plant I basket of potatoes in the garden so much that they have enough for the whole winter, How can a torn blouse does not grow together, but when you cut your finger it grows in a few days. How is it possible that a Tiny child grows into a big person. But the doll remains the same. But you may not know who The Treat a Miracle is only God can do. What no man can do. Try to pay more Attention to the world around you.and you will see many miracles.
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