Pope Francis allegedly hinted at ecumenical concessions.

The years of the synodal pilgrimage 2023-2024 will undoubtedly go down in the history of the Church. One innovation succeeds the other in such a fast staccato that the faithful cannot digest the innovation properly, and the next batch is already coming. After last year’s Fiduccia supplicants declaration, “the masculinization of the Church,” and the announcement of various other innovations, such as the ordination of deaconesses, the abolition of celibacy, the Vatican has announced the publication of a document tomorrow, the description of which does not bode well.


According to the portal Katholisch.de, it will be a document concerning the function and primacy of the Roman bishop (pope), and in it, allegedly, ” the pope wants to reduce his supremacy. ” According to the aforementioned liberal and certainly well-informed portal, the text ” could have far-reaching consequences – and Francis indicated a major concession

The text was prepared by the Vatican Dicastery for Christian Unity, under the leadership of Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch. I think the fact that in his presence, they gave Holy Communion to Protestants and calls for the involvement of both Protestants and Orthodox in the synodal journey is sufficient evidence of his views and attitudes:

According to Katholisch.de, the document “could fundamentally change the relationship between the Christian churches in the East and the West “.

The document will be titled “Bishop of Rome” and subtitled “Primacy and synodality in ecumenical conversations and responses to the encyclical UT unarm saint.”

The project received broad support from Pope Francis, and the portal Katholisch.de, in line with the expected innovations, emphasizes that from the beginning of his pontificate, he referred to himself primarily as the ” Bishop of Rome ” and ordered the revival of the title “Patriarch of the West “.

These indications of the localization of papal power are, of course, unassailable and legitimate on paper. The Pope is really, like St. Peter, the bishop of Rome, and is also the patriarch of the West. In addition to being the patriarch of the East, North and South. However, the fact that only certain historical signs are emphasized and others are silenced or diminished does not bode well. Combined with the deluge of ecumenical phraseology and, even worse, uncontrolled, arbitrary, chaotic and self-destructive practice, the expected text may become another nail in the coffin in which they have been trying for more than 60 years to deposit the exclusivity of the Catholic Church.

The portal Katholisch.de, with an infallible and years-cultivated sense of smell of everything that is pleasing heterodox for them, is already hotly asking:

However, the central question still remains open: Does the Pope continue to claim a superior position among the representatives of the Christian Church? ( Katholisch.de probably has in mind here some abstract church, i.e. a compound of all churches, within which the Catholic Church is only one of many and together with them creates the mentioned Christian church; ed. note) The Catholic Church considers this supremacy, known as the “primacy of the Pope” has been maintained since the early Middle Ages. (But, but, so the Catholic media doesn’t believe in the dogma of papal primacy? Doesn’t it believe Jesus commissioned St. Peter and gave him the keys? And they are obedient, vaccinated and accompanying; editor’s note) The last time, in 1870, The First Vatican Council supported and expanded this universal claim to power in dogma and canon law.”

Well, it seems that for some highly “obedient” Catholics, these ” questions of dogmatics and canon law ” obviously mean nothing. Paradoxically, on the one hand, they question the authority and exclusivity of the papal office as such, but on the other, they constantly call for obedience to Pope Francis and send anyone who dares to criticize his heterodox statements straight to schism, even though they do not argue for it. On the contrary, such an argument about schism can be a denial of the dogmatically binding teaching about the primacy of the Roman bishop.

But Katholisch.de eloquently explains these dogmas: “These decisions, as such, which arose in the crunch of time, should now be relativized and reinterpreted. “

Boom, and there it is. Nothing less and nothing more: the First Vatican Council, because it was interrupted by the demise of the Papal State (and never completed), according to liberals, took place in a ” time crunch ” and therefore its dogmatic statements will now be ” relativized and reinterpreted “.

Fortunately, something like that in II. The Vatican Council is not possible. He had a wide field of time at his disposal and thus could thoroughly work on his comprehensive documents so that they no longer need to be relativized because they are so nebulous and ambiguous that any interpretation clings to them like a glove.

According to official Vatican statements, the new document, as Katholisch.de writes,” aims to present a proposal for a renewed form of the papal office that could be recognized by other churches .” The portal even adds:

” Some in the Vatican believe that it is possible that, under the proposal, the pope will meet with other patriarchs and church leaders of the same level to consult with them.

The first meeting of this kind could take place in 2025 on the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which is still recognized today by almost all Christian churches. At that time, it was also possible to agree on a common procedure for determining the date of Easter between the Eastern churches and Rome, which was abandoned only later. According to information from the Vatican, Pope Francis is ready to meet the Eastern churches on this symbolically important issue. “

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