How to follow Jesus?

How to follow Jesus?

Jesus frequently called people to follow him, honestly warning them of the challenges ahead, saying “Take up your cross and follow me.” Yet, he also promised to accompany them on their journey. What does it mean to follow Jesus, and how can you embark on this path?

Many people today have a warped view of what it means to “follow Jesus”. For them, it might mean occasional church attendance, praying in times of crisis, and acts of token generosity. However, this is a far cry from the unwavering devotion of early Christians, for whom following Jesus was a way of life. Faced with the threat of death, they were compelled to make a definitive choice: total commitment or none at all.

What does it mean to follow Jesus in the 21st century? It may surprise you, but the definition of following Jesus has not changed; it’s about the same as it used to be.

Where does it start?

Following Jesus begins with listening to his words and responding to his call. His message is simple. He talks about love, sin and forgiveness, humility, justice, and gratitude.

The story of Jesus proves the immense love with which God loves us all. Jesus took upon himself the pain and guilt of the whole world. He died so that we would not have to die for our sins. But he is stronger than death. After three days in the grave, he returned to life and proved that he was more than an ordinary person. Faith in him brings eternal life to us, too.

Jesus wants us to respond to his call and follow him. Heals our inner wounds. He forgives our trespasses. It helps us restore what is broken. He is the light in the darkness we need and the hope that evil will not rule forever. And he wants us to pass this message of his love and hope on to others.

Leave and get more

The first followers of Jesus were simple fishermen. When he called to them, “Follow me,” they left their boats and fishing nets and went. 1 What he called them to was not just theoretical discussions a few times a month. He taught them how to live daily in God’s presence. He was an example for them of how to rely on God, make practical decisions, and approach the people around them with love.

To follow Jesus, you may not need to give up your earthly possessions or occupation like the first disciples. However, there may be something in your heart that holds a more significant place than God. What is it that you need to leave behind?

Jesus’ words remain relevant: to follow him, one must deny themselves, take up their cross, and surrender to his path. Those who cling to their life for selfish purposes will ultimately lose it, while those who surrender their life for Jesus and the gospel will find true salvation.

” There is no faith like faith.

True faith puts Jesus first in life – when nothing and no one matters more than our relationship with God. Everything else will then follow from our relationship with him.

Walking in his footsteps brings challenges and internal struggle with our selfishness. It is not easy to stop focusing on yourself and your interests and focus on loving and serving God and others. But remember that nothing you give up can even be compared to what you gain! According to the verse above, you will gain life – eternal life-more than anything this world has to offer!

The growth process

Jesus’ friends themselves often failed to follow him faithfully. They openly admit it in their writings that we read in the Bible today. Knowing that Jesus does not call to follow only those who already understand and manage everything is a relief. On the contrary, he reckons with our mistakes and weaknesses and, at the same time, with the growth of our faith.

Understanding and trust grow step by step on the common path. It was true for the first followers, and it is true for those today. The more we experience God’s love and care in practice, the easier we will give him space to love others through us and change our life priorities and desires.

Do you also want to follow Jesus?

To follow Jesus, seize the right opportunity – you don’t need to perfect yourself first. His original disciples were ordinary people, just like you. Following Jesus begins with a simple, honest conversation with God, submitting to His guidance and care. If you’re willing to entrust your life to God, be assured that He will walk alongside you, and you won’t regret this decision, no matter how challenging the journey may be.

If you are not yet ready to take this step and cannot fully trust Jesus, we invite you to our free online course, Why Jesus? Which will explain his message and what it means to follow him fully.

How did you decide?

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