We call the completion of human life heaven. It is our ultimate goal, a state of supernatural bliss. But let me clarify one thing at the very beginning: not heaven is the meaning of our life, God is that meaning!
Man is the only one called to participate in God’s life through knowledge and love (CCC 356). Therefore, it is wiser to say that the completion and meaning of life is God. Heaven is God himself and purgatory is God himself who purifies his children so that they can come to him. But even hell is God, for he is a just judge who rewards the good and punishes the bad. After all, let’s think: eternal life is to be with Christ, that is, to participate in his life, to live like God.
Earlier we said that heaven, hell and purgatory is not a place but a state. That is why we call eternal life a limitless perfect state of supernatural bliss, experienced at once and now. It’s forever.
Even in earthly life, we experience bliss, an ecstatic joy that is beautiful. But it is limited and will end once. Not in heaven.
Heavenly, supernatural bliss is experienced at once in its fullness. It has no boundaries, it does not end, but it grows in intensity. Eternity has no succession, it exists simultaneously and all at once. It is God’s mode of existence.
Well, the purpose of our life is to get into a state of participation in the life of God in eternity. It happens after our death, it is a transition from one state to another. We have a lot to look forward to!
These definitions are difficult to understand because they describe the heavenly world that we approximate in images. As Saint Paul expressed it: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has entered into what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor 2, 9).
Saint Paul wrote: “… we know only in part and prophesy only in part. Now we see only vaguely, as if in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know only in part, but then I will know as I am also known” (1 Cor 13, 9-12). He thereby expressed the state of earthly and heavenly knowledge. In heaven, we will achieve perfect knowledge by participating in God’s life.
God, being omnipresent and omniscient, knows everything at once and in its entirety. We will get to know each other in the same way. Since we will be “connected” to the Lord God, our will finally unite with his will, and we will want what he wants. In our earthly life, we sometimes have difficulties in fulfilling his will, right?!