I will see the eyes of the blind.
The evangelist Luke already describes what the prophet Isaiah predicts in the distant future as a present, currently unfolding story. It also speaks to our reality. The prophecy is fulfilled: Jesus heals two blind men. How can we recognize ourselves in this story as it relates to us? Even if someone doesn’t need prescription glasses, they will understand that we all have more or less severe vision impairments. It is the spiritual quality of our outlook. A person can be blind or blinded by pride. He may be blinded by passion or anger. He may be dazzled by someone or something that prevents him from seeing properly.
He can be myopic if he cannot see beyond his worries and troubles and the narrow horizon of his interests. Likewise, he can be spiritually far-sighted if he sees the big goal clearly, but he stumbles over small everyday obstacles he cannot see. He can also live in a “gray haze” when egoism dulls and clouds the vision, so he sees his fellow man, the world, and nature blurred, distorted, or obscured. The disease of correct spiritual vision is also a deceptive view in black or perhaps in pink colors.
To see, to truly see, means to see with Christ’s gaze through the lens of his heart. If the famous writer (Saint-Exupéry) said that “we see correctly only with the heart,” this is only part of the truth. More precisely, we see rightly only with a pure heart, and we see best with the heart of Christ. Only those who meet him in living prayer, in the sacraments of the Church, and the Scriptures gradually adopt his way of seeing, understanding, and evaluating everything around us and ourselves. Scripture also speaks in many places about the human heart, and even characterizes it as deceitful, twisted, hardened, stubborn, etc.
He speaks of it as a place from which even evil things emanate. It is not good to idealize the human heart. Only a heart renewed by God and his grace, a heart that loves God, discovers its true power of goodness. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Yes, Lord, we, too, are blinding, and we need to encounter your healing love. May our eyes be opened, and we see. May even our hearts in their deepest core be constantly renewed in you. May it also be fulfilled so we can see correctly, clearly, and distinctly.
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