Reproduction of breads

Jesus did  many miracles so much that are  not even described in the  Holy  Scripture. Because Jesus  did so many miracles and besides, he  also spoke as Beautiful as no one  before. Because he was very good and Kind to everyone. Wherever he came Right now many people gathered around him. Once there were a lot of people around Jesus. So that everyone  can see him  and hear Jesus go  with  them out  of the city  to  the  hill. Jesus spoke so interestingly that peope did not take his eyes off him,It never occured to me that it was over  lunch and they should have been eat.After all,you know if when there  is  an interesting movie on TV so  you Forget About food. So these  People forgot About  food. They took Nothing with  them. No one thought they’d be  out  all day. They started  asking  each other if anyone  had  something to  eat. There  was  one  boy, who  had  Five loaves  breed  and  some  fish. The tops  were enough for him and Maybe a   few people. They were all hungry and  everyone  would  like  him  to  get  at  least a little  from  the  boy. Someone  told  him  that Jesus was calling him. He immediately knew  it  was  for  food. Jesus asked  him if he  would give him the breads  and fish. Jesus gave bread and fish to  his  apostles  and  they  were to give them to the people. The  apostles  began to  give away,  each taking what he needed  and  the  bread  and  fish and nothing lost.Everyone was full of  food and  still had  about  giving away. And there were  a lot of baskets. People were excited. They wanted to make Jesus king. It would live. No one  would have to work  and everyone would eat. Jesus did not come into the world so that people do  not  have to work. By this miracle he  wanted to prove that  he was  the son of God. You know, God put the power in the  grain that  to  grow  from it cob  with many grains. Only God  can  multiply seeds. The field is  sown  a bag of  potatoes and  there are  so many  potatoes that  enough for  a hundred people. Jesus did not anything  new  with  this  miracle. The only difference was that it  was  fast. There  was  no need to wait as  it the  grain put  into  the  ground. But Jesus did not  multiply grains but bread. But from the bread  is? The  bread  is  make  of  flour, and  the flour  is  of  grain. When God  can multiply grain, why  could  he  not  multiply  bread? If you put   a grain Flower  in the pot   and  you  turned around. The Flower would both grow and blossom. It  would  be  miracle. And yet it would do the same power as when it happened in a few months . It would only act faster and not more commonly.When Jesus miraculously proved them to be God,that was not difficult for him.To reproduce is bread or cereal grains is for God’s sake the same .But Jesus did it suddenly so everyone had to notice. Even those who walked around other miracles of God every day but didn’t notice them.


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