Former Jesuit Gymnasium student: „Jesuits have completely destroyed my faith, they are atheists and enemies of the Church. “

Enemies of the Church“

Only after many years did the Virgin Mary „ finally bring him to the Catholic faith againdiscovering tradition“, confides in the video.

Jesuits are a real problem of the Church, they are enemies of the Church,“ the man in the video says. He obviously knows what he’s talking about: according to his own words, not only did he attend Jesuit high school, but also his uncle, his own son, nephews, and nieces. „Up to a total of one hundred members of our extended family attended their schools,“ confides a YouTuber.

He mentions that in the 18th century, the Jesuits were a perfect order, unjustly persecuted and banned only because „he defended the faith and the papacy“. However, much has changed since then: „ Today they spend their faith, they spend the papacy.

The spiritual father of today’s Jesuits

Jesuits do not believe in Catholicism, they are modernist heretics,“ their former student continues to speak. According to him, their real „hero“– is a man – and himself a Jesuit ( named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ) d. 1955„ who was <TAG1>apparently obsessed at one point, he promotes view of Darwinian evolution“.

According to Catholic Esquire was Chardin „truly diabolical“, taught about some „evolutionary trajectory“, whose goal is for man to become God himself. „At the end of this evolution is the cosmic Christ, “says YouTuber and continues:

It’s bizarre, it’s crazy, it’s not a bit Catholic, it’s anti-Catholic, but this is a person that the Jesuits follow and admire pretty sincerely. If you’ve ever attended a Jesuit school, then you know they’re not talking about anyone but Chardin.

We also published several articles about this important Jesuit on the portal. Author Radomír Tomeček, in your article, for example, interestingly states:

The Holy See refused to give imprimatur (press permission) to his book Le Milieu Divin (Divine Environment) in 1927. In 1939, the Holy Office included his book L’Energie Humaine (Human Energia) on the Index of Prohibited Books, and even his most important book, Le Phénomène Humain (Humanity as a Phenomenon did not receive church approval for publication), containing interpretation of his evolutionary doctrine.

In a decree of 15 November 1957, the Holy Office prohibited the holding of works by de Chardin in libraries, including those of religious institutes, and the sale of these books in Catholic bookshops. At the same time, the translation of these books into other languages was prohibited.

On June 30, 1962, the Holy See issued a minimum (variance) in which bishops, superiors of religious orders, and rectors of seminaries and universities were called upon to protect the entrusted people from dangers resulting from the books of de Chardin. These books were disseminated even after his death and became very popular. The Holy See confirmed the immutability of its position, expressed in 1962, also in the communique of July 20, 1981.“

Gradually, however, his „ spiritual children“ – Jesuits – were able to carefully rehabilitate him to such an extent that this „a modernist fascinated by communism“ (ako de Chardina R. Tomeček called) mal „destructive influence on II. Vatican Council“. And through the council, the entire Catholic Church is affected by its delusions to this day.

After all, Jesus did not perform any miracles. “

But let’s go back to the gentleman with the nickname Catholic Esquire. He mentions what the Jesuits taught him in high school. They denied all the miracles of Jesus described in the Bible, saying that „nich never happened“. They also called creationism – the belief that God is a human being falsely created and not that we evolved from rats.

They undermined your faith in every possible way,“ says the man on video. „Not only did they discourage you from believing the Bible, they encouraged you to become materialistic. Women encouraged scientific careers; they never promoted family, said nothing about staying at home and raising their children.“

Likewise, he has never heard anything about it from their mouths: „Spread the kingdom of God“ or „proclaim God to this world.„ Everything the Jesuits instilled in their students’ heads was materialistic, like making a lot of money, self-development, and humanism.

Their tricks are very deceptive,“ continues. „You never understand what they are talking about because they are constantly changing their definitions.“ He believes they do this entirely consciously and intentionally to deceive young souls, perhaps longing for God.

They constantly talked only about helping the needy and marginalized, because „this is what the Gospel tells us that Jesus did“. The man acknowledges that there is some truth in this. However, he points out that, according to Jesuit professors, we should not help the needy and marginalized out of love for God but out of love for ourselves – from the effort of self-improvement through helping others. Continues:

Why do the Jesuits teach it this way? Because they are materialists to the core, proponents of evolution, they don’t really believe in God, they believe in themselves, they believe in man, they believe that man can become God. But that’s from the antichrist, from Satan, it’s completely demonic.

Catholic Esquire says that such testimonies as his must not be spoken in public because „no one would believe you, “ and such a person would be called an enemy of the Church.

What is a „cool jesuit“?

The man goes on to say that the modernist teaching that the Jesuits are pushing is pure delusion and that „works“:

They tricked me to the point where I almost lost my faith. I came out of the Jesuit gymnasium without any faith, I considered myself an agnostic at best, but I was probably an atheist. I didn’t believe that God existed, I thought that this world was all that existed. You live your life the best you can, earn as much as you can, maybe help some poor guy, because then you will feel better on your own – and then you will die. And what happens then? Nothing. Your soul is gone, it’s disappeared. This is what I thought.

Youtuber admits that he finally turned thanks to Our Lady – but up to „many years after I left my high school“. He even thought about becoming a priest, „but all that was finally destroyed because of these people“. „ My son was also taught that there is no such thing as original sin, “said an angry man in the video, and „ certainly don’t teach anything like it is Peclo or O. O.purifier. “ Angrily continues:

They mislead, deceive and destroy the faith of thousands upon thousands of students who attend their schools and whose parents spend tens of thousands of dollars to educate their children!

Beware of the Jesuits!“ continues no less sharply. Let us pray for their prohibition, they are the scourge of the Church, they are the enemies of the Church. We must love our enemies and they are our enemies – so we should pray for them.“ It also calls for prayer for the Pope – also Jesuit – as well as Jesuits active on social networks who only „they pretend“ that they are academics and Catholics in general, but in reality only „attack good Catholics and good traditionalists“.. “ „Do you know how remarkable the Jesuits are? These are the ones who listen to rock music and like the song „Imagine“.

Imagine“ is a famous song by John Lennon, also referred to as „hymna (hedonistic) boomer generation“ ( born after II. world war) in which Lennon sings about us imagining, how beautiful would the world be without religion, „without heaven and hell“.

New father introduced

Also Anthony Stein, who has a YouTube channel called „Return to Tradition“ (Return to tradition) is of opinion, that the order of Jesuits is responsible for most of the crises crushing the post-conciliar Church, since „they hold strong positions of power“. In Stein’s opinion, it is not about some failures of individuals, but a kind of well-thought-out implemented strategy to change the Church from within. He perceives the Jesuits as the center of power – and also the historical counter-center of the papacy –, from where poison penetrates the rest of Christ’s institution. „I am not at all surprised that the Church is in such a state with the Jesuit Pope at the head,“ says in her video Stein.

He wrote a whole book about the Jesuits called The Jesuits.s. a well-known Catholic priest and exorcist, based on whose life a legendary film was allegedly shot The Exorcist) Malachy Martin ( d. 1999). The author thinks that until the 1960s, the Jesuits were an order devoted to Catholicism, the Church, and the Pope. But then something happened. Martin writes:

In 1965, II ended. the Vatican Council its last session aPedro Arrupe he was elected for 28. father superior of the Jesuits. Under Arrupe’s leadership and under the strong expectation of change caused by the council itself, society identified itself with a new outlook that has quietly flourished for more than a century – anti-papal, sociopolitical in nature. It was a furious and complete turning point in the company’s mission and reason for existence, and it was no accident. It was a deliberate act for which Father Arrupe, as Father Superior, ensured an inciting leadership full of enthusiasm.

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