A guide to a happy life.

Have you ever been to a herbalist? No? Then you are fit! But you probably know about the Chinese miracle root ginseng or Swedish herbs. Alongside the search for the elixir of life, humanity has not forgotten to turn its attention to the mixture of happiness. The happiness of human life and its acquisition has often been and still is the subject of philosophical controversy. Every movement gives a guaranteed the best recipe for a happy life. However, we have seen the young lives of well-known actors and singers end because they saw their happiness in drugs and intoxicating poisons. When we return to the world of fairy tales, we find that the content of every fairy tale is the acquisition of life’s happiness. So it was when you recall the range of the fairy tale of The Fisherman and the Goldfish. Three wishes and he was to be happy! But human happiness is fickle, and with great speed, it can also dissolve… And all this is only because we cannot thoroughly weigh the values offered.

We will be on the side of truth if we all focus on the values on offer that Jesus put forward in the Sermon on the Mount. We are human. What are we? It does us good to order others around, orchestrate them, exalt ourselves above them, and despise the weaker. They are egoists. Has egoism ever brought anyone happiness? Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and the Word of God want to protect us from such degenerating tendencies. The way Christianity leads us is not so easy to understand. This way of life is meant to guide me and those around me to joy, bliss, and happiness. It’s not just a different world; it’s a different world! It is a world of complete and accurate humanity into which Christianity leads us. A world of people who are blissful and happy, and this is because they control their animal instincts and give vent to their fullness in God. Let us, therefore, learn to understand this wisdom of life, which, though it is a laughing matter to the world, will teach men to laugh happily! Let us try to translate the Beatitudes into today’s thoughts and words:

– Blessed are those who are poor in mind, for this poverty makes them accessible. They have no concern about what and where to hide.
– Blessed are those who are sorrowful for their sins and seek to make amends for them. Then they will experience joy.
– Blessed are those who do not use violence. Everything will be given to them.
– Blessed are those who desire to be better than they are now, to be as much like God as possible, and to come to Him.
– Blessed are those who graciously forgive, for they will be ignored.
– Blessed are those who keep the hearts of the children, for they will behold the face of the heavenly Father.
– Blessed are those who love reconciliation and peace, for they will embrace peace and tranquility.
– Blessed are you when you are persecuted for your faith and Christian life, for you will be among the children of God.

Former U.S. President Truman said: “If men observed the rules of the mountain speech, surely paradise would reign on earth. But …”

The group of about 35 men stayed with the priest in a convivial conversation that was truly colorful. They asked him all sorts of questions they could think of.
– Mr. Parish Priest, you say that God is almighty. Can God make such a great stone that He would not lift it Himself? – one man asked.
But before the questioner could get an answer, another question came thundering in:
– Why did your God, all-knowing, create man, even though He knew things would go downhill with a man?
The priest took a breath, but they kept asking and didn’t wait for an answer. Then the oldest gentleman spoke up.
– Young men, the things you keep asking are silly. I used to dull my conscience with such questions. It was when I was running away from God. He thought for a moment, ran a calloused hand across his forehead, and began to tell his story:

– I came from East Prussia and couldn’t make it far on my father’s small farm. And then the news spread that in the Ruhr, money was rolling in the streets. You have to collect it. So I set off on my journey. But I was disappointed. In the Ruhr, there was nothing but dirt on the streets, and I found myself in deep need. I spent my money wisely and didn’t get a job. Eventually, I started living among beggars who talked me into stealing. My conscience was churning inside me. But what was left for me?! One evening I walked the streets hungry and desperate. If I do not find help now, I am left with one option, to which many and so many have led me. Suddenly, I heard my name: – Henry! – I was about to turn round, but I said to myself: No one knows me in this unknown world, so who would call me, for there are so many Henrichs in such a big city… and I went on. But the call came again:- “Henrich!”- I took no notice of it and went on my way. I distinctly heard my name called a third time. I turned round. Someone waved his hand to me. I recognized him. We went to school together. I quickly ran and climbed onto the wagon. As we sat next to each other, my friend accused me:
– I called loudly after you; why didn’t you turn around? A few more seconds, and then we would have hardly met! Say, how are you doing?
I told him everything; what misery I had got myself into and what the others were telling me. My friend was touched by my story and drew me into his house. He gave me food and clothed me. And now take heed! Did you understand that the future of my life hung in the balance in those seconds? I heard the first and the second call, but I did not respond to them. Who knows how I would have turned out in my life if I had not answered the third one? It all depends on whether we hear the call and follow it…
The listeners sat breathlessly. They understood. But the older man continued:
– Everything depended on whether I would respond to at least the third call. And so it was about God. He called me at my baptism, but I didn’t understand that. Then he called me at First Holy Communion and Confirmation, but I didn’t make anything of this call. When he called me a third time, I realized I must obey! Otherwise, even God can disappear around the corner like this, and I will never hear from Him again! And so I answered his call. What did I want to say to you all? That it is not at all about your “wise” questions that you are asking, but it is about whether you want to respond to God’s call and whether you want to follow it. The older man sat down, and a deep silence fell over the room.

Tell me, how many times have we heard the instructions for a happy, contented and right life in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount? Have we responded in our lives to the first, second, third, or twentieth call of God? Let us not hesitate to look back. The way is hard, but the ages and men have tried it. Jesus himself walked it. Today, when we hear the voice of the Lord, let us not harden our hearts but open them willingly and with sincerity! 


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