What are we afraid of? And we cause many things to ourselves. They operated on part of his lung, a cancerous tumor, he still feels pain in his chest, and yet, despite the doctors’ prohibition, he lights up his cigarette. We also know of other cases when others, through their carelessness, cause illness, suffering, or pain to themselves and others.
St. Mark describes the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law, who was lying in a fever. Jesus “approached her, took her by the hand and lifted her up. The fever left her, and she ministered to them…” (Mk 1:31). The description is simple. It was Saturday. Jesus healed a possessed man in the Capernaum synagogue. As he was leaving the synagogue, he stopped at the house of Simon’s mother-in-law, who lived only a few meters from the synagogues. Mark describes Jesus, who is truly Lord over the Sabbath. He simply and without a word takes her by the hand and lifts them. No report of thanksgiving, joy, but the evangelist says: “The fever left her, and she ministered to them” (Mk 1:31). . Jesus’ behavior, his power to heal and heal human bodies, also points to other power and other healing, when the evangelist St. Mark wrote at the end of the description of this event: Jesus “went throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out evil spirits.”
Although Jesus does not mention Job. A job is a righteous man. He did not cause the disease himself, but so that God could prove Job’s loyalty to the devil. Job does not know why all this happened. The scriptures speak of similar calamities that befell people for their sins in several places. It is possible to encounter many questions during illness and suffering. For example, even with such that, where does one take the suffering that no one caused by sin? Is it possible to talk about suffering that does not come from man? Many natural disasters will occur worldwide, such as floods, earthquakes, severe frosts, droughts, etc. They bring a lot of suffering, pain, and tears. So, who is responsible for them? In light of the teachings presented by the Church, a person can understand and subsequently accept many things.
Jana didn’t even live in the stars, although her friends from the office talked her down, and shook their heads at her actions. She fell in love with a colleague. She didn’t see that he was cheating on her. She didn’t realize he was a cheater in love. Only when she once told him: “We are expecting a child!” And he: “It’s not mine! Is she a single mother today?
We see that the world often does not give us a comprehensive answer to suffering. What the world cannot give, Jesus gives us, faith, that is what the Church teaches us. We know that our homeland is in heaven.
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