Our daily prayer

You know people around you who often grumble about their lives. You know about their troubles that weigh them down… And actually we don’t even have to go far, because each of us has our own cross. Crosses are different, just like people’s attitudes towards their sufferings. We often hear from our non-believing brothers: “How can you believe today, at a time of such progress?” And some will even say: “If God shows me a miracle, I will believe too.”

Today we heard words that invite a slightly different way of thinking when Jesus says that the crowd will not be heard. “He (representation) asks for a sign, but he does not receive a sign other than the sign of Jonah” (Lk 11:29). God offers a miracle, a sign to the one who believes in him. God‘s word as it is offered to us by St. Luke presents us with Jesus, who is on his way to Jerusalem. This journey takes him a very long time, it stretches almost through the entire Gospel. Not because Jesus did not know how to find the way, but because of his love for people, especially when he saw all the misery of people. One of the events that happened during the journey is a dispute that arose between the listeners and the Teacher himself. When the crowd began to gather, Jesus declared the generation evil. Why? Because he is asking for a sign. What kind of sign it was, follows from the event before, but also from the character of the whole Gospel. The crowds wanted to see a miracle as proof of Jesus’ Divinity. However, Jesus gives an answer that does not lose its authenticity even today. He offers them a sign through the figure of the prophet Jonah. This “man of penance” was cast into the underworld through a great fish. But God kept him there for three days. And he delivered him again. Christ suffered for us on the cross, died, was buried in the grave. But God resurrected him after three days to live and overcome death.

Doesn’t the message of faith from God Himself sound to us today? “Believe and you will see miracles”, not: “here is a miracle and believe” . Let’s look at Jesus’ contemporaries. Were all those who saw signs and wonders converted? Has God won all his listeners? Not.

In the world today, there is an opinion that evil is winning in the world. Let’s look at those parts of the world where Christians are persecuted by Muslims. Inhuman treatment, abuse and cruel humiliation, even killing. What miracle do these Christians see that they continue to be Christians? They believe that Jesus is the one who has the last word in the world . Their hope is the cross, this sign of hope even in such a sea of ​​pain. We do not have to face such a threat. Well, let’s notice the example of trust, which in itself – if it is sincere, is a miracle. Whoever wants to experience miracles in his life, should not be afraid to open to Christ. He takes nothing away, but perfects everything in us.

Let us pray: Almighty God, we thank you for creating us. Teach us to trust you. In the time of trials, especially help us to believe and thus receive a sign. After all, you have already given us the greatest sign: yourself for us

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