Analogous knowledge of God

Analogous knowledge of God

What could be the cause of this condition? One of them may be our fear of analogous knowledge of God. God is infinite, He is great, He is Almighty. It is difficult to say something about him because we are not theologians, and to avoid saying any delusion, we prefer to keep silent about him. Alternatively, we will say a phrase we know well, and we are sure it is true. But I can’t have any intellectual concept in my mind. Nor can I have a relationship with God, which is for me only infinite, immense, exceeding everything. I can have a relationship with something I can grasp, what I can try. One recognizes through experience.

God knows it very well and therefore takes the body. It appears to us, adapts to our possibilities. It becomes understandable to us. Therefore, we can know him in everything that is good, powerful, beautiful, true around us. So we do not know God directly, but through analogy. We perceive beauty and say: God is absolute beauty. We see good and say: God is absolute good. We see the Lord and say: God is the absolute Lord of everything. Therefore, Scripture gives God attributes as Lord of Heaven and Earth, Creator, Father, our King, our fortress, our security, and the like. This analogous knowledge offers us various forms of similarity, parallels applicable to God, which tell us about God and its properties. We are invited to discover and marvel at them.

The most basic analogies that can help us know God are: God is life. He is an extremely active being, the originator of everything. She appears to be infinitely creative in expressing her savings activity. There is no boredom or monotony in it. It is an adventure in itself, with which one never gets bored. He can always surprise, charm, give. It is beyond nature, history, and all the emotional motives of every person – of course, the good ones. He lives absolutely sovereign, does not depend on anyone, but everything depends on him. He is attentive to all of his creation and embraces everything with love. It is constant and therefore the whole creation has certainty in it.

God is close to us. He is actively involved in every happening. Above all, he is interested in man, in his good, in his salvation. He urges him to go on the road. He constantly speaks to him through the voice of conscience. It gives him protection and help.

God loves the whole creation, but especially man. God is love. His relentless activity around man is a manifestation of his love. If God had not loved man, He would surely not have created him. His love is present to such an extent that the most apt expression of God is the Father.

Reciprocity requirement. God is interested in man, and the same is waiting for man to do. It is therefore the task of man to be interested in God.

God promised. These are mentioned very often in Scripture. Once they refer to the earthly good, sometimes they relate to the salvation of man, to his eternal bliss. God proves to be the originator of all adventures and concurrently an object of human hope.

God is a synthesis of truth and beauty. He is not a pure intellect, nor an emotional relationship. It is fullness of both.

If we notice well, all these qualities of God respond to man’s innermost desires. The desire for life, for adventure, for change, for security, for proximity, for love, for the opportunity to give what we have received, for the future and for hope of fulfillment, for beauty. So God is the best good for man.

So let us not seek God in the first place in some intellectual constructions, nor in any performance of our spirit – if I pray more, if I read Scripture more, if I could meditate more and not just superficially … the commandments of a religion. Let us seek God in what speaks to our heart. Let us seek God in life, looking at the born child, in the beauty of nature, in the vicinity of man, in the paternal and maternal manifestation of love that we can experience from others, in the acceptance of my husband / wife. Serving a neighbor. Here God reveals Himself to us. Here we can get to know something about him.

So we are faced with a dual task. Ask God to show us as He is. Ask for mercy so that we can recognize him as truly alive and present in our lives. After this meeting, we will be able to be the ones who can testify of God with our life, closeness, love.questions: How would I bring someone closer to God without using a learned phrase?
What tells me most about God? What prevents me most from seeing God’s manifestations in everyday life?

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