Jesus sees into the heart

If I love, I see good in that evil Jews often saw Jesus in the company of prostitutes and sinners. They said about him being drunk. Why Jesus walked among them. If we saw him nowadays in such a society, what we would probably think. Some would they would offend, and if they said, why not me? Or someone would start wondering why this is so and trying to find the positive side. Jesus would like he did not go among them to enjoy, drink and sin with them. The only thing that got him to love led to it. He wanted to help them find hope for a better life again. He tried to help them discover a new meaning of life, a new goal. First, they needed it and not those who were already on the right track. He did not hesitate to come and look at one, for or lost person.
How is it with us? Jesus saw in every grain of goodness. Even in the biggest, he was able to discover it for the sinner. We know how tough it is. Such as very hard to find a piece of good who still hurts us and cuts on our mistakes or weakness, and it is very hard. As the Lord Jesus did.
With what “telescope” he was able to discover it. That telescope was love. Jesus loves us so much that He is willing to endure spiritual tricks from us. He loves us even if we trip him many times. Although you do many times, we will choose something else, but not his. Then he sees the good in us and knows that we are not yet lost for heaven. One mother used to visit her son in the hospital regularly. She had six children, but she preferred this affected son. And now, let’s listen to what happened once happened. “His mother ran to meet him, dropped to her knees to see him straight in the eye. But the child looked indifferently sideways. When she wanted to kiss him, the boy reached out and struck her on the cheek. Fascinated by the noise he made, he beat again and again and always louder. But the mother did
she looked at me happy and whispered with tears in her eyes, “Look how she laughs!
How he laughs!” This child was sorry. For what I saw was a poor man,
undeveloped, mentally insane. But the mother in the squinting, hitting boy she saw something else, she saw treasure in her, preciousness. And no one could say he was exaggerating. No, she knew best herself because only she loved him. And only love knows perfect.” 1 So is Jesus, since he loves us, willing to bear our blows. He is willing because he loves us. How is it with us? We are willing to see even a piece of the worst person good. Only he who loves can see good and overlook evil. The one who he loves, he also lacks a sinful person in his heart. Let’s not be fooled by this world, influenced by prejudices that obscure our eyes and prevent us from seeing it all right. After all, God loves each one. Jesus sacrificed for everyone. Every one of us is entitled to salvation. Each of us needs help from Christ, and most importantly, they need sinners who are in constant danger of their salvation. To them, to today, Jesus is coming and trying to heal the wounds of sins. He just because of it, one is willing to leave the whole herd. This testifies to his great love for us. About his immense pain over the loss of one because true love hurts and to one loves not the indifferent face of a neighbor, just as he is not indifferent to Jesus our destiny in the other world. Let us open the hearts of his love and let it work. Let her heal our mistakes, and then we can see evil as well suited for a man. Just like Jesus in us. Love reveals spiritual sight and reveals to us the truth about others, but also about himself.

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