Monthly Archives: November 2020

God’s wisdom

However, to point out that there is no difference between the wise and the less learned in the realm of faith. Some of you are parents, others masters – experts in your field. Already you sometimes it happened that a … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 16 Comments


Introductory story…In his book The Mysterious Island, Jules Verne describes the wreck of a group of five aerobatics flying a balloon over the Pacific, in the middle of a storm on an unknown coast. Four are saved, but one of … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 869 Comments

 Why did the world come into being?

Question why? is imposed when they are assumed context causally and when we try to clarify the following event usingpreviously. In the universe’s case, we are quite a complicatedsituation because we cannot imagine the “world” in front of our universe, from … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 144 Comments

About life after death.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Beware lest your hearts be overwhelmed with refreshments, drunkenness, and worries about this life, lest you surprise you that day. For it shall come as a snare to all that dwell on the face of … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 13 Comments

Brain activity

The actual work of the soul is the gray substance-bark. Therefore, we also call the gray substance the center of the soul. This substance comprises innumerable finest neuronal cells connected by wonderful fibers and thus forms a whole gray cortex. … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 4 Comments

First Sunday B of Advent Mk 13,33-37

The prophet Isaiah invites us: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” (Mark 1: 3) These words of the prophet are not only an Advent challenge but also a challenge to the new church year, as well … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 2 Comments

Jesus’prophecy about Jerusalem

Jesus said to his disciples, “When you see the army encircling Jerusalem, know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. But let them in the city come out of it, and … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 5 Comments

The origin of life from the point of view of physics

The origin of life from the point of view of physicsAll people, regardless of age, gender or level of education, unreservedly agree that life is the most important and valuable thing that has arisen on our planet – and perhaps … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 17 Comments

Big brain MM13

It is made up of two hemispheres, connected in depth by a whitish fibrous mass called a beam. The nerve fibers emanating from the gray substance converge in the beam, which is the linker of an idea sent from both … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 10 Comments

Don’t be seduced and deceived.

Jesus said to his disciples, “They will lay hands on you and persecute you, deliver you to synagogues, and imprison you, and will drag you before kings and rulers for my name’s sake. This will happen to you to bear … Continue reading

Posted in Nezaradené | 12 Comments