Idea of webpage “prediction”
Your Dr. Peter Prochac
My name is Peter Prochac. I was born on August 19, 1954, in Bratislava. I come from a religious family, and I wanted to be a room at the age of 15. I studied theology in Bratislava, and in 1979 I became a priest. As a chaplain, I have worked in several places. In addition to other activities, I also worked as a translator. I translated the German sermons or catechesis into Slovak and then mailed them to priests or catechists who were interested in them. Later I became a vicar. I had two parishes with branches and had no time to do this. Since 2009 I work as a space in Austria. Since 2013, my website has been in operation. My desire lately is to write sermons or spiritual reflections, also in English, and reach people who understand English. I know it does not have to be just Americans or Englishmen because today, people in all countries of the world understand English. Maybe the fact that in the Church of St.Ladislav in Bratislava, where I´ve been ministers for many years now, are holy masses in English. On this page, I would like to focus mainly on sermons, catechisms, and sometimes spiritual considerations. How many will appear on this page will depend on how much time I have. I wish all the readers of this site spiritually enriched.
Your Dr. Peter Prochác
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