Monthly Archives: October 2022

All Souls 2022.

Visitors counter: 440

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The commemoration of all the faithful departed.

Jesus not only shows the way (Jn 14:1-6) Jesus’ words not only wipe away tears but give hope. What do we tend to think about an open grave? Who would have laughed and joked then? Even saints experience fear of death.Death … Continue reading

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All Saints.

Visitors counter: 206

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Solemnity of all Saints

 Introduction. In the latest issues of several tabloid magazines, several tutorials are promoted in our country: a guide to get rich quickly, learn a foreign language or lose weight. Some stumble upon this announcement, except for a small percentage; they … Continue reading

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Thirty-first Sunday C in ordinary time, Luke 19,1-10

 Introduction. In the gospel, we heard Jesus say to the tollbooth Zacchaeus, “Today I must stay in your house” (Lk 19:5).Zacchaeus probably never suspected and did not count on having such a rare visit to his home. He had no … Continue reading

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Meeting with God in the Sacrament of the Altar.

In today’s gospel, the Lord Jesus reminds us of the sacrament, the day’s highlight for many of us. Yes, it is the Sacrament of the Altar. After all, you come every evening, despite many difficulties, and you long to meet God. The … Continue reading

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How to treat pride?

I think churches are the only place we take Jesus’ words seriously in today’s gospel about seeking the last place. Few spontaneously choose the first place in the church. Most of us prefer to stay in the back, and woe … Continue reading

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Pride and humility.

Maybe you have asked yourself these similar questions: why do I like some people so much? Why do I feel so comfortable and pleasant in the presence of some people? The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us of pride as “the … Continue reading

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A legitimate reaction of Jesus.

When someone reminds you of something, how do you respond? Jesus responds, too. Someone said to Jesus: “Go away from here, go away” (Luke 13:31)…? There is no room in faith for risk-taking, underestimation, sinful calculating, etc. It is necessary … Continue reading

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Let’s train love.

In this “pre-soulful” time, we are asking ourselves serious questions that people have always had to and will have to ask themselves – and they are still relevant. They are not at all covered in the dust of time. Who am … Continue reading

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