Monthly Archives: April 2024

St. Joseph – the worker.

As we know, the main feast of St. Joseph is March 19. Then St.Joseph  is worshiped. Joseph, above all, as the foster father of the Lord Jesus and the head of the Holy Family. But this chosen man of God … Continue reading

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St. Catherine from Siena.

ON TODAY’s HOLIDAY, the liturgy of the Church puts this prayer on our lips: “God, you ignited warm love in Saint Catherine when she contemplated the Lord’s Passion and served your Church; through her intercession, grant that your people, to … Continue reading

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The presence of Good.

Children… How they strive to be good in the presence of their parents! And royal children, how they seek to preserve their royal dignity before their father the King! And you… don’t you realize that you always stand before the … Continue reading

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INDEPENDENCE The virtue of selflessness has a special name. From a purely linguistic point of view, it is a negative term. Yet it represents perhaps the rarest of positive qualities. The word “gain,” reported from the root of this expression, … Continue reading

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The purgatory.

The Church Fathers affirm the existence of purgatory. St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians says. He will surely save himself, but only from fire. St. Augustine writes. Whoever will be carnal, or will resemble in his life those … Continue reading

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I am the way,the truht and the life.

I am the way, the truth, and the life › Jn 14, 6. Jesus is the way. He is the perfect Son of his Father, who always did only what the Father told him to do. He did not stick to his … Continue reading

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Fift Sunday of Easter , Year B John 15, 1-8

The Man Who Bears Fruit You may still remember the idea of the so-called useless man from school, specifically from literature lessons. The Russian Romantic writers of the 19th century, such as Goncharov in his Oblomov, Pushkin in Eugene Onegin, … Continue reading

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All in all.

All in all.God will be all in all. What shorter can be heard, and what more tremendous can be imagined? God is all to himself because his greatness is sufficient for him, and he is even to all the elect. … Continue reading

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Holy Evangelist and Martyr Mark 16,15-20

Marek was of Jewish descent from the tribe of Levi and was initially named John. Only later did he take the name favored by the Romans, Mark (= translated “meek.” Cf. Acts 13:5, 13; 15:39; 12:12). He was converted to … Continue reading

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Unbelief in Christ- an incredible betrayal.

 Imagine such a situation. You are sitting in a car or bus that does not have proper brakes. You sit and wait to die, and you don’t know it. If you had known it, suspected it, you would certainly have done … Continue reading

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