Monthly Archives: February 2023

The question of suffering.

In this lecture, we will try to answer theoretically and at least partially the question of the cause of human suffering; in the conclusion we shall find that the answer is not so simple as it appears to us after … Continue reading

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Our daily prayer

You know people around you who often grumble about their lives. You know about their troubles that weigh them down… And actually we don’t even have to go far, because each of us has our own cross. Crosses are different, just like … Continue reading

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Prayer as a conversation with God. What our prayer looks like.

We have certainly experienced many moments in our lives when we don’t want anything, and we don’t succeed in anything! Then we take everything, even with prayer, as a burden, something we “have to” and not what we want! Jesus … Continue reading

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Current memento.

How far am I from God? How do I live my faith? Am I a Christian only in church? At the end of time, Jesus will separate, “He will put the sheep on the right and the goats on the left!” The Indian … Continue reading

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First Sunday A of Lent

Temptation (Mt 4:1-11) Those who shape their conscience will win in a time of temptation. For many Christians, Lent is a time when they consciously and voluntarily renounce pleasant and permitted things, moments, and meetings with people to atone for … Continue reading

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Fasting can heal.

It can be said about Lent that we experience it more and most in the spirit of faith. From the sprinkling of ashes to Easter ceremonies, even those who practice less faith are more receptive, at least to some practices of … Continue reading

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St.Matthew Joh 15, 9-17

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St. Mathew, John 15,19-17

Before we get to the election of Matthew, let’s stop at the person of Judas, as Luke presents him in the Gospel and Acts. Jesus himself chose him from among his many disciples into the group of the Twelve, whom he called … Continue reading

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Let us be people of sacrifice.

Lent is a time to establish peace in your heart. An opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation, correction, and reevaluation of opinions, attitudes, and opinions that destroy inner peace and joy. And that is why the words of Jesus apply: “Whoever … Continue reading

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Ash Wednesday

Ashes on the heads – a sign of the beginning of the fasting (Mt 6.1-6.16-18) Ashes on the heads are not enough, a change of life is needed. Lenten songs, with their melody and lyrics, are one of the factors … Continue reading

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