You are doing God’s will.

Often we feel that doing God’s will is something difficult and the moment before we make a decision, when we consider yes or no, seems like a green mile. Jesus said that his food was to do the Father’s will, and it doesn’t seem to me that Jesus was only doing the Father’s will during his finishing straight on earth.

Doing God’s will can be enjoyed or seen as an unbearable burden falling to the ground under the weight of commands and prohibitions. As long as we are filled with the Holy Spirit, He Himself evokes in us the identity of sons, where we spontaneously cry out Abba (daddy) (Rom 8:15) and He inscribes God’s law on our hearts (Jer 31:33). In other words, as long as we don’t have the Holy Spirit within us, Christian principles become an incredible burden and any demand from God evokes in us the feeling that we just have to give up something again and that God is robbing us of our joy.

If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, if we have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, He causes us to seek out opportunities on our own to do God’s will, to spread God’s kingdom, and it brings us sincere joy.

I first heard the question “Are you a son or a slave” sometime in the fall of 2004 at a talk by Mario Tomasik. This question can still be alive for us and can be a barometer of how much we want to do God’s will and advance God’s kingdom. The Son takes care of his Father’s property with joy, he improves it, and when he needs to work, he knows why he is doing it. A slave works because he has to, not because he does it of his own accord. A slave has no personal interest in the spread of the king’s empire.

If we sincerely allow and expect the Holy Spirit to fill us, the Holy Spirit comes, changes our identity from slave to son, joy comes, passion comes into our lives, and we have a desire to do God’s will.

The task for today
Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us and to let us know His will for our lives. I am sure He will answer and guide us.

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