What is love?

What is always the most current and most beautiful gift to the world? It is as effective as the pure, sincere, and big heart of each of us. It’s amazing if I can hug someone if someone understands me without limits, it gives me the strength to be who I always wanted to be, but I didn’t have the courage to. Love is when I don’t have to pretend or be afraid. Love has no limits and does not know the word “later.” And how do I know if someone really loves me? I am his first choice, not an option that was chosen because others failed.

True love cries but does not despair

carries on his hands, but does not carry

forgives but is not blind

he fights for the truth, but not his own,

attracts but does not bind

he doesn’t talk, he acts

it hurts but doesn’t hurt.

If you give love to this world, never expect an immediate unequivocal answer or a wishful answer. And it’s best if you don’t expect her at all.

Only in love does the divine meet the human, and we will not invent anything new, better, or more effective than love.

It is understandable that people lack love. But what do we feel when someone offers us love, or when someone publicly presents pure love? Fear. We would perhaps condemn such a person, ignore them, silence them, escape from them… The world around us is full of bullshit, and we have no problem accepting it, even though it is often about unimportant or negative things. We fear that which we need most, which cannot overshadow any evil, which is the most transparent in the world, whose purpose we shall discover in one encounter; are we afraid of love!? And if we are not afraid of love, are we afraid of the truth? Weird…

Love diagram.

Why does someone live like a king and another sits on the roadside and stretches out his hand?

Why is it that when someone has everything (he is healthy and lacks nothing internally), he acts as if he has nothing, while the one who does not want to have at least something, and acts as if he has a lot? 

Why does a person not see his own shortcomings, but always point out the shortcomings of others?

Why does someone feel different, incomplete, incomplete, even if they are not handicapped in any way?

Why is it that someone who has experienced pain, and suffering can love more than someone who has been given everything for free, who has never been on the other side?

Why do so many people not love one another as God’s children, show due respect to one another, and treat one another as civilized beings, but despise others and hate one another as the sons of the devil?

Why are dignity, decency, attention, and other virtues considered by many young people to be unnatural or shameful?

Why does love lose its true meaning and sex takes on a new one?

Why is education for humanity a blind formality?

Why does the ignorant think he knows everything and the wise talk less and think more?

Why does rejection hurt so much and friendship doesn’t last forever?

Why do we think more about evil than about the goodness of the human heart?

Why is someone good and someone bad? Is anyone really evil?

Why do pride, bitterness, and some rules prevent us from smiling at each other more often?

Why can’t a person put another person before himself?

Why is nature more intelligent than the pinnacle of creation?

Why is it easier to deny the existence of an all-powerful being than to believe that our being has a cause that comes from it and desires to return to it?

Why is it easier to be led, to blend in with the crowd, than to be yourself?

Why doesn’t a person strive to get closer to perfection?

Why isn’t a pure and honest heart more than anything else?

Why is it hard to extend a hand and easy to raise it to someone?

Why does a person like to exalt himself and not feel good in the role of being humiliated?

Why is joy so rare, sorrow so common?

Why isn’t every person happy?

Because unconditional love cannot reside anywhere else than in a pure and sincere heart. Such a heart may not be lacking for someone who is not happy, but it can be lacking for someone who does not contribute in any way to the happiness of others (who does not need to participate in achieving happiness for others).

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