Monthly Archives: July 2024

18. Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B John 6,24-35

We go through different stages of life: The period before birth – for which we are grateful to our mother. The period after birth, when we were dependent on our parents, we gradually became independent. We are thankful to our … Continue reading

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Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguuori, Bishop

Alphonsus  Maria de Liguori was born in 1696 to a distinguished and affluent Neapolitan family. A prodigy, he earned a doctorate in civil and canon law at just 16 and went on to become a brilliant advocate in the Naples … Continue reading

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St.Ignatius is a teacher of spiritual life.

The spiritual life undoubtedly includes. So let’s ask what our resolution should be, for example, a confessional one. First principle: To be effective, it must be specific, not general. It won’t help to try: I want to improve! You have to determine … Continue reading

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The value piety.

We can often admire some brothers and sisters for their beautiful relationship with God, neighbor, and the Church. Their behavior is not just attractive, but also sensitive and beneficial. Their conduct directly inspires us. This is true holiness. They do … Continue reading

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You worry too much…

The story of Mary and Martha is mainly interpreted as a warning against being too subject to the worries and tasks of life, as a warning against workaholics, and against forgetting to take care of the most important thing due … Continue reading

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Loneliness as a bitter companion.

In the Catholic Church, the fourth Sunday of July is the World Day of Old Parents and Seniors; this year, it fell on July 28. Pope Francis established the celebration in 2021. Pope Francis in the Basilica of St. Petra … Continue reading

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St. Joachim and Anne.

Who was Saint Anne and Saint Joachim? We know very little about them. If so little is said about the Virgin Mary in the Holy Scriptures because God wanted to leave her hidden and humiliated, then about St. Anne and … Continue reading

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17.Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B John 6,1-15

He gave out to the sitters as much as they wanted … A well-known professor from Delhi was invited to the USA for a series of scientific lectures. During his stay, the hospitable Americans tried to show him the most … Continue reading

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The relationship of the priest to the faithful.

“Let everyone consider us in this way as Christ’s servants and stewards of God’s mysteries.” (1 Cor 4:1) In the catacombs, various pictures were found painted on the walls, primarily representing Christ the Lord in all forms. They also painted … Continue reading

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Don’t give up.

You’ve probably already met people on the street who offered some street deals to mobile operators or other companies. These people often encounter misunderstandings, but they are not deterred and urge action from more and more people because they believe … Continue reading

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