The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity A JN 3,16-18

..Is it necessary to deal with the mystery of the Holy Trinity, when many do not believe in God? Let us admit that even for us believers, the trinity of God will remain a mystery rather than an explored truth of faith. Therefore, although we cannot understand the Trinity of God by human reason, we can know its greatness, omnipotence, justice, and beauty from the created world and universe. The Creator of heaven and earth must necessarily be greater than what He created. If created nature itself is so wonderfully beautiful, God must be more beautiful.

Let’s put one poppy seed on our finger. The chemist can examine its composition into the last atom and create a completely new grain. But when we sow both grains, a new plant with a colorful flower and a poppy grows out of one, with a hundred new grains, but nothing grows from the artificial grain. A chemist cannot put life into a grain, because that is a big secret. So if a small grain is a mystery, could anyone think that the immense God is not a mystery? Therefore, one writer wrote, “I would refuse to believe in God if I could fully understand him.”

People are unwilling to acknowledge the proof of God’s power and love from the work of creation. They resemble inexperienced young men who do not value paternal and maternal care and assert their claims by saying, “When my parents have acquired me, let them care.” They take God’s care for granted, which God must do and have no obligation to them. One should offer something similar to that experienced by a priest who went to Dolní Smokovec for a spiritual exercise.

Heavy rain was falling and a wet person was waving under the tree by the road. The priest stopped and a younger lady got into the car. Her first question was, “You must be a believer when you play a religious song on a tape recorder.” The priest said, “I’m really a believer, even a priest.” The woman confessed, “I’m an atheist. My parents did not raise me in faith in God. I work as a nurse and I have no reason to think about the existence of the Creator of the world. ”The priest began to explain to her that in the Tatras it is possible to observe the mountains, which move our hearts to admiration. Even more enthusiastically, God’s works are admired by scientists studying the mysteries of nature. But the woman objected, “I don’t see anything special in that, according to evolutionary theory, everything has evolved on its own over billions of years.”

The priest wondered how he would bring the doubter to the path of faith. He began to tell her about Jesus of Nazareth. In him God came into the world in the form of the Divine Child. We no longer have to cast gold idols, calves and other substitutes. God becomes one of us to show how He loves us. He was such a perfect man that he could publicly ask, “Which of you can accuse me of sin?” He could not lie, he was not a liar. So God loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus confirmed his teachings by miracles. The greatest miracle happened on his cross after his death. As he said goodbye to the apostles, he assured them, “Behold, I am with you until the end of the age.”

The hour of driving was the woman’s first hour of religion. The priest transported the hitchhiker to Poprad, but also to the goal of human life, to God. She said tears in her eyes as she said goodbye and thanked not only for the ride in the rain, but mainly for the direction on the way to God. Was this trip just a coincidence? From a human point of view, yes, but God has everything happening firmly in his hands. In the Last Judgment, we know the constant work of his Providence. He also offers a lot of help every day to those who are still opposed to God.

It is true that even a believing Christian is not perfect, he has many shortcomings. We are the living temple of God. We like to admire the beauty of churches, but if we look closely, we find that even in that noble material, such as marble, a crack is formed, dust settles in it and moss grows from it. But it cannot disturb the overall impression, the massive beauty of the whole building.

We have been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we are the material from which the living temple of the Holy Trinity was built. We move in an unclean world and some evil, a sin, settles on us. We have the gift, the sacrament of repentance, which washes away all evil by the action of God’s Trinity, as we hear in sacramental absolution: “God, the Father of all mercy, reconciled the whole world to himself by the death and resurrection of his Son and gave his Holy Spirit to forgive sins.” The sacrament of penance restores baptismal innocence. We are re-admitted to the communion of saints, from which fallen angels have been expelled. They wanted to be like God without being dependent on God. Complete independence is the way to hell. There may not be heat from the hell boilers, but frostbite in the deep desert.

God is a community in the Trinity. Let us open our minds and our hearts to deep faith in God in the three Persons. Let us become co-creators of peace, joy and happiness.

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