Joy and happiness.

Joy and happiness.

“How happy a person could be if he didn’t have to think about being happy.”Aldous Huxley

The more a person cares about pleasure (joy and happiness), the more this is for him, delight (joy and happiness) escapes.”V. E. Frankl.

Just as pleasure is not the same as giving meaning to a person and his life, neither is it lack of pleasure does not make life meaningless.”V. E. Frankl

The words “joy” and “happiness” have two different meanings. The first refers to situations that occur without our fault. An example, could be a lottery win. The second meaning speaks of joy and happiness related to what we do. An example can be the care of a garden or your child. We’ll be fine here about this second meaning of joy and happiness.


Let’s start with the joy of reaching the Goal. If the group succeeds in climbing a wall, reaching the top of a mountain, etc., they will appear together with fatigue and a feeling of joy and happiness. Who has yet to experience it? It’s hard to understand; it goes to Artists — painters, graphic artists, sculptors, composers, writers, poets, actors, builders, etc. He talks about the joy of the finished work.

The joy of a tourist brand. You don’t even need to reach the top of the mountains. And yet we can experience joy when, after a moment of uncertainty, whether we are going the right way on the trip; suddenly, we see a tourist road, a sign that assures us that we are going the right way to the set Goal.

Joy as a byproduct. For the climbers, it was not about pleasure and luck. They wanted to reach the top. The joy that is achieved reached its peak; it was a byproduct. It was the same with tourists in search of a brand.


Where does the road lead to joy and luck?  A goal gives a focus (orientation) to a life path. That’s how this journey becomes meaningful. Joy and happiness emerge as a byproduct of approaching the Goal or achieving it.

Example: Architect L. K worked on a challenging project. He was working, literally, “day and night.” When it was finally his turn, failures managed to solve several problems, and the project was successfully finished, he sat down and looked at what he had created, feeling deep happiness and joy. He almost didn’t want to believe what he had in front of him and what he was looking at. Is..just” his work.

Dead-end street. Why take a detour? Why not take it for luck and joy directly? It shows that, in this way, it is possible to make happiness and joy a goal. At the same time, however, it turns out that a person is then like that. Who tries to walk straight through an avalanche of stones literally up the slope?

Joy and happiness

V. E. Frankl speaks in this connection — where we want to go to happiness and joy directly — about the so-called hyperreflection. He understands her, thinking too intensely about what we want to achieve. At the same time, he talks about hyperintention, which is too intense an effort. We know that these psychological processes do not help our efforts, but the opposite holds her back. And so it happens that the one who wants to be “very happy” is ultimately unhappy, and the one who wants to experience ..great joy” is ultimately disappointed. Joy and happiness are not unique experiences of this kind. This regularity also applies to recognition, self-realization, etc. As soon as they become a goal in themselves, they disappear into the distance. A false path to joy and happiness Goal… Goal of effort a … the way to the Goal c …false path (shortcut) to joy (R) and to happiness (S).

This path despises, neglects, etc., heading to meaningful goals and, therefore, fails to achieve true joy and happiness. The negative impact of a false trip. We strive for joy and happiness We’re done with it,” and finally, we confess to the author of the book of Proverbs ..vanity over vanity, everything is vanity.” Psychologists today detect a whole range of feelings of futility in those 10 of people who strive for the impossible — to achieve direct joy and happiness on the way He talks about neuroses, phobias. obsessions. Prejudices, hostility… Let’s listen. What’s one of the most famous says about it psychologists: .. Neuroses, phobias, obsession, prejudices etc. Are the best defined as a person’s stubborn focus on themselves.”

Søren Kierkegaard suggests a hopeful way out of an otherwise dead-end situation. He says: ..the door to happiness opens outwards.” Go out, from myself and from a dominant interest only in making me feel good. And what will happen then, V. E. Frankl expresses it succinctly: ..If it succeeds bringing a person to a meaningful life, it is easier and faster then gets rid of neurons.” And that’s what the representative of the third Viennese school of nurse psychotherapy, says, an expert who spent his full life helping people escape such an unpleasant state.

The joy of contrast. For one characteristic joy and happiness, we want to draw your attention to a conclusion.

Happiness often appears in opposition to the opposite.

Example: The joy of traveling comes after we have been confined at home and were not allowed to go anywhere. The joy of home we enjoy afterward. since we have been away from home for a long time,  they could.

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