Prayer turns to God the Father

Prayer is a general phenomenon and takes place in all religions. If it takes the form of a request, then hers the effectiveness will probably depend on who you are approaching turns. For Christians, what the ancients stated applies liturgical rule: “Prayer turns to go to the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. “It is an elevation, our ascent, that corresponds to the previous one divine descent – the word of God and every good comes from the Father through Jesus as a gift of the Spirit. If we ask in prayer for something, we are sure we turn to the almighty and merciful Father. He can give us all the good. This must definitely rule out a plea asking for something wrong. On the other hand, we assume that our prayer is not in vain because he turns to the merciful Father. We think our voice is so weak he can’t reach the throne of the Almighty?

They are a manifestation of a lack of faith because we know that
our Lord Jesus Christ speaks our desires to the Father. Those who suffer find solace in convincing themselves with their pain they contribute to Jesus’ suffering, which is the salvation of the world. Missionaries who preach the gospel are the voice of Christ, which resounds through their mouths. And you, who is praying They participate in the Savior’s prayer, on the eternal dialogue between the Father and the Son within the life of the Holy Trinity. Such is the function of the Holy Spirit to us he introduced into the life of Christ, into the divine life. His voice is so connected with ours that Origen writes: “Ours The mind will not be able to pray if before the Spirit does not pray and the mind listens to him. ” So why do we turn in our prayers as well to the Madonna and to so many saints? Because they are gracing spirit perfectly connected with Christ in his mystical one
body, and therefore their voice together with ours, together with the Son, he invokes the Father in a unanimous church. Man is basically
The message for today’s social and this character is also reflected in the relationship with God. In the image of the Last Judgment by Fra Angelic, the condemned who go to hell do not communicate, on the contrary, the elect go to paradise holding hands. It is almost an illustration of A. Khomjakov’s famous statement: “To hell, everyone goes at his expense, you can only go to paradise with everyone else. ” Prayer is an ascent to paradise already on this earth.

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