Bidding prayer

Four types of prayers, according to St. Paul.
St. Paul (1 Tim 2: 1) calculates four kinds of prayers: “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving *. Greek words are not enough to determine what species of prayers the apostle had exactly in mind. Christian authors (Origenes, St. Thomas Aquinas, and others) define a little artificial. For example. According to Origin, the first species means «Prayers that someone sends to achieve what he needs *. So, in short, it is supplicating to pray. In the second place is «prayer with the giving of praise for things above *. Then comes the prayer that means «A request to God, to which the one who has the greater dares trust in God *. The last kind, Thanksgiving, needs no explanation. However, if we read quite simply, we can say that there are actually only two kinds of prayers: praying and giving thanks.

Prayer and thanksgiving prayer
The first prayer we know from life and the Scriptures in prayer. A person feels weak, exposed to security, so he asks for help higher, more powerful being, God. According to St. Basil, it is a prayer “a prayer through which pious people turn to God *. We read examples of such requests on almost everyone’s page of the Old Test, yet there are differences. There is something impersonal, official in the Egyptian cult. In fact, the people of Bologna praise the deity with many celebratory tulles to incline it. Jews, on the other hand, are aware that their relationship with God is something special. The LORD hath made a covenant with Aura and is willing to help him whenever the people turn to him. They often turn to God and individuals, even in the small difficulties of daily living. However, in the Psalms, which are the official prayers of the Jewish cult, they are mostly asking for greater gifts: wisdom, God’s fear, trust in danger, the forgiveness of game breeding, etc.
The Fathers of the Church like to show us how to pray for the feeling of scarcity, misery, weakness. To whoever would have him did not feel, answers St. John from Chrysostomus: «Are you saying that you don’t need to pray? That’s why you need to pray to yourself looks like you don’t need it. ”  It seems, then, that natural disasters, such as floods, crop failures, hunger, are not such great evil. They awaken in man consciousness of need, they turn their minds to God, and therefore they are even by the gifts of God. In a Christmas message from 1955, he shows Pius. XII., As, on the contrary, a deceptive feeling of security diverts from God: «The fact that people in the so-called industrial era are used to praying is a sign of supposed self-sufficiency, which makes a modern man squirm. Many do not pray today, feel confident, and think that technology has already overcome the request that the Lord has placed in people’s mouths: Give us every day our bread!
The prayer of gratitude is the opposite of praying. Who got it? Thanks. Interestingly, no word in Hebrew corresponds exactly to our “thank you.” Semite expressed his gratitude by praising the donor, his mercy, goodness, love. Therefore, the so-called Praise prayers, of which there are many in Scripture, actually belong to the group of metal prayers.
A. Fonck thinks that praise and thanks are two differences, not feelings. Thanks for something we got. Praise is no more greedy. We praise God’s greatness in itself. Despite, however, this can be said to be related. Everything that God reveals is a gift to people. It expresses it nicely in verse of the Mass part of Gloria: «Thank you for your great glory. » Clement of Alexandria, therefore, exhorts Christians to thank God in the first place for the gift of knowledge for that they can understand the greatness of God. The more she understands it, the more thank you. On the contrary, the bigger our gratitude, the more God reveals His glory to us. In today’s breeding language, we would say that he should thank God above all for the gifts of grace: for that, we know the Christian truth, for baptism and sanctification grace and for the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and for all that helps us in the growth of life in Christ.

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