I will strengthen you

To follow Jesus is to stay with him; it is to direct all our actions and Christ. This is the natural reinforcement for our lives. The everyday life of man is filled with everything. Worries haunt us at work, concerns in the family, the pain of various types, whether physical or spiritual. Sometimes it seems to us that those worries are already upside down. But sometimes It happens that the postman brings an envelope, and inside we find an invitation – e.g., for a wedding, graduation or some celebration. We usually fall for such an event worries, pains, and we look forward together with the hosts. It’s a pleasant relief and a snatch from everyday life.
Today we all received one invitation. Although it did not arrive in the envelope by mail, only orally, yet it is an invitation. Jesus invites us to himself. It’s not an invitation to a wedding or any other big party, but he has this invitation much more critical. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will strengthen you” (Mt 11:28).
In these words, Jesus responds to the situation of the believers (the Jews) present. He knows that the requirements of the Law for the then men are often strenuous to impossible. All the weary and oppressed will receive his Christ room. They will be relieved of the hard work of complying with regulations. Everyone can come and be sure they will find peace in it. This room is a gift; we don’t have to do anything special for him, just come to Jesus. Jesus, at this moment, by his actions, he does not only mean the requirements of the Law. He acknowledges that we are too oppressed by the devil, overwhelmed by his guilt like worn-out animals, and wants to help us.
Jesus knows how things go in life. He was a man on earth like us, and he endured all we have to take. And at the same time, he is a God who knows the man and his life. He knows what we have to endure and what the consequences may be for us.  That is why he wants to help us free ourselves from problems and worries. He invites us to be rested with him and gained new strength, which is necessary for life.
The Lord Jesus does not offer us entertainment or any dance where we could from to shake our concerns for a while, but it provides us with the sacrament of reconciliation in which we want to free itself from all the wines we have committed and which weigh us. It doesn’t even offer us a table full of any goodies for body pleasure, but it does suggest it is the table of your body, for the joy of the spirit.

There is a question. If it’s that simple, why is there so much in the world of people who have not yet come to Jesus? The answer can be found in itself, the gospel. “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me!” Follow Jesus does not mean a one-time visit, and everything is fine. Come to Jesus means staying with him; it means directing all our actions toward Christ. Jesus should handle everything we do in our lives, and then we will have inner peace and a sense of strength.
An invitation to no celebration in this world cannot give us as much as
Jesus offers us in his invitation. Whatever we do, we will feel that someone is standing by us, someone who helps us at any time, allows us to rest. So let’s sleep and not beg. It’s all for us and out of love for us.

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