Monthly Archives: July 2024

Abide in me and I in you › Jn 15, 4.

This saying of Jesus is very popular, but what exactly does the word abide mean? Dictionaries offer us more than fifty different synonyms, from “not to leave” and “to stay” to “to rest“. However, in today’s Gospel, the word should … Continue reading

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Mary of Magdala.

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Mary of Magadala, apostle of apostles,

Like Mary Magdalene, we, too, can accept Jesus’ liberating action. We are to give not what we have but what we are. The image of Mary Magdalene, created based on legendary and apocryphal data, with which people still identify to … Continue reading

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The film “Calling” (2020) by director Paweł Woldan portrays Karol Wojtyła’s spiritual journey, later known as Pope John Paul II, during World War II. It highlights his formative years in Krakow, where he studied Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University. … Continue reading

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And the Pharisees went out and took counsel about him, how they might destroy him.

 Jesus knew this, so he left there. Many followed him, and he healed them all, only he threatened them not to betray him. So what the prophet Isaiah said came true: “… He will not grieve, he will not cry … Continue reading

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The human brain and rhytmus in the history of cultur.

Man’s mental life differs from the spontaneous life of animals mainly in that man is capable of free creation. Culture consists of the creative acts of genius in science, art, and religion. However, the sources of creativity are still a … Continue reading

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If you’re being holy too.

Precision is often considered a royal privilege, while selflessness is associated with holiness. Many boys dream of becoming knights, not just to rescue princesses from dragons or villains, but also to engage in chivalrous combat and experience the thrill of … Continue reading

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Each of us has already met a person who was unsympathetic to him because he behaved condescendingly. We are more acutely aware of this, especially today when money is attributed with unlimited power, and we see how many people can bend … Continue reading

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Today we will reflect together on this special title of Our Lady. I will not  deal with the history of the Carmelite Order, which is very interesting, but I want to reflect on Our Lady of Carmel. Carmel is a … Continue reading

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I am unworthy.

He who loves father, mother, son, daughter more than me is not worthy of me » Mt 10, 37. And who can love God more than his wife or child? After all, God doesn’t smile, he doesn’t caress, he doesn’t give … Continue reading

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