I am unworthy.
He who loves father, mother, son, daughter more than me is not worthy of me » Mt 10, 37.
And who can love God more than his wife or child? After all, God doesn’t smile, he doesn’t caress, he doesn’t give emotion, he doesn’t sleep… How can you love God when he is sexless and unattractive? Has God left man on earth a love confusing with passion and moods and calls for a love that no one has experienced? And will he say that we are not worthy of him if I don’t love him more? So I can say it straight: I am unworthy. We are unworthy in the brush, but not everyone can admit it. But without this truth about unworthiness, without this confession, I will never experience what John writes about, just so we don’t fear: love is from God (1 Jn 4, 7). Not of man. Love is from God. Mostly, or rarely, we are not faced with such a choice: daughter or God. Heaven does not threaten me with a raised index finger and does not shout at me: do not dare to love your daughter more than me! Everyday life does not offer us situations in which we would have to deny our child to prove to God that he is more critical. On the contrary, it allows us to love our child, our man, precisely because we love God.
Even they are sometimes unbearable, ungrateful, messy, and vindictive – daughters, sons, wives, or husbands – and that’s when my love for God is proven by forgiveness, reconciliation, patience, renunciation, or humiliation. He who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me (Mt 10:37). So, we understand that the child must not become my idol and an obstacle on the way to God. On the contrary, God wants to teach me to love that child even when he doesn’t deserve it… with the love that comes from God.
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