About stuborn childern
About stubborn children
Anyone who wants to resist the truth will always find an excuse to avoid the truth. Neither Jews could speak to taste, for they did not want to submit to the truth. This reminded them of St. The First Martyr Stephen in his defensive speech against the Jewish Highness: “You, the stubborn ones with uncircumcised hearts and ears, always resist the Holy Spirit; you as well as your fathers” (Acts 7: 51). Jesus also thought of this in his parable of stubborn children, saying, “Whom do I compare to this generation? It is like the children who sit in the square and shout at their companions: ‘We whistled to you, and did not dance; “(Mt 11: 16-1).
It can be whistled to this generation, weeping before it, they don’t care. The morning gaze of the Kingdom of God is showing up, the promises of thousands of years are fulfilled. In vain he announced it to St. John the Baptist that “the ax is already attached to the roots of the trees” (Mt 3: 10). Everything in vain. Both John and Jesus were accused of their way of life. They criticized both humility and self-denial because they could not understand the kingdom of God. “John came, he did not eat and drink, and they say, ‘He is possessed by an evil spirit.’ The Son of Man has come and is drinking, (Mt 11: 18-19).
The sternness of John’s life, as well as Christ’s silence and gentleness, is recognized as true wisdom from those who have a sense of God’s ways. Indeed, John the Baptist, by his strictness, represented the relentlessness and hardness of the Old Testament, while Jesus, by his mildness and gentleness, represents the good of the New Testament. Both were wise and fair. Those who understood and believed in Christ knew the Messiah and John his predecessor.
Everything is done for the salvation of the human race, but the stubborn race is opposed. Jesus Christ therefore rebukes and reproaches them for their impotence. The karh cities of Korozain and Bethsaid, in which he performed the most miracles. They were eyewitnesses to his miracles, yet they did not repent. “Woe to you, Korozain! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles of Tire and Sidon had been done in you, they would have repented in penitential robes and ashes long ago. easier than you … “(Mt 11: 21-22).
This parable shows us God’s will to save every man. His caring love embraces everyone. He did everything on his part. It’s just that we, too, do everything we need. The parable is also the revelation of the good heart of Jesus Christ: “The esteem and the drinker, the friend of the myths and the sinners”, – is a proof of the true humanity of the Lord and of love for us. He became one of us looking for us wherever we live: on the road and in the temple, at the funeral and at the wedding, on the lake and in the mountains. There was nothing to suggest that the Pharisees, who considered themselves true scholars of piety, were aggravated at eating with despised myths and sinners.
The priest of Emmaus dr. Schacherle speaks in his memories of how he lost faith in Jesus Christ and God. As a theologian in the worship of the Way of the Cross that he was working with others, he considered it impossible for Jesus Christ, who is considered God, to suffer as an ordinary man. He lost faith in God and fought against Him. But this is the first part of his story. Few know, however, that the same priest in World War II died in a concentration camp completely reconciled to God. Here, in the terror of the concentration camp and his suffering, he understood Christ’s sacrifice, which he underwent for all souls. He knew that an ordinary man could not do it, but God, who descended to the earth from infinite love for men.
The parable of stubborn children expresses the image of our Lord who is so close to us and wants to be our Divine friend. What he did out of love for us during his earthly life! Is it therefore appropriate to ask ourselves whether we always go with due confidence to our Divine Brother and Savior ?! So let us always have a clear idea of him that he is infinitely good, so that his goodness will always attract us to him.
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