18.Sunday in year A



Have you ever hurt a love? Are you surprised, this expression? It is the expression of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She sayes,that love  is only true, when it  hurts. Jesus ‘love  for people hurts.Today’s gospel is a testimony.It bothered him,that  five  thousand people listened to him for a long time and  they were hungry. He also cared  about  the food,that people  missed. He did a miracle to save the situation. He multiplied  five loaves and two fish,so that they  could  all eat.


Jesus speech was in a calm tone,except for one sentece,which he said,well out loud and little  angry. He addressed  to the apostells. You let them eat.Their love  for people was not true and did not cause  them worry. They wanted  to release people, than sit down and eat. Scripture  writes  say,that  this  section can be  explained  in two  ways.The bread  and fish in Jesus hands multiplied so much,that he fed thousand of them. 2.The apostles were able to share their food and help Jesus feed others first and then themselves.In both cases, it is a miracle.Feeding the hungry is still relevant today, although someone would argue that there is  no hunger in our country.Maybe not in ours, but there are many countries in the world where there is hunger.There you can see many malnourished children who get up hungry and go to bed hungry. Even today in the 21 st century two thirds of humanity is starving and about 40 million people die of hunger every year.And those who have seen people die of hunger say that such a death is terrible.

In the past however the situation was even worse,so the Church always took Jesus  call  to the apostles. You let them eat, very serious. After the Eucharistic celebration,the apostles invited faithful on  agape to strengthen their  bodies too.What was left,was distributed by the deacons to old and sick people who could not attend the liturgical celebration. In later time, it was the Church  that built old houses,poor houses, orphanages and hospitals to take care of the needs of her children. However,we must also fulfill Christ’s call.You will say,that we are not hungry.But  let’s figure out  how we can  eat bread  peacefufully when  our  brothers and sisters  are starving somewhere in the world. But how can they help them,when they live  so far away from us? The answer is given to us  the Gospel of Sunday.Victory over hunger in the world begins with victory  over out own egoism.We must transform ourselves to be attentive,friendly,cordial helpful, loving hospitablento other people.We also need a new heart for our bread oven. In this  heart is the Spirit of Jesus, and when the world mis restored by the Spirit of Jesus ,people  will not  die of hunger. When we beginn to renew  our  hearts, we will beginn to over come  hunger  In the world.So we already understand how tonfulfill Jesus’challenge.Heart renewal willingness,diligence, kindness and generosity. Am I rich in these qualities? Am I renewing my heart with the Spirit of Jesus? Let’s notice how you reborn the soul and heart of college student Marta. She came  from a small viĺlage in eastern Slovakia and was grateful to able to study in Bratislava.The council went to lectures,but also to the cinema, and a group of young people.Although  She was raised in the faith at home,she forgot God in Bratislava. After graduating from college,she started working as a .teacher. She became an atheist an the tears a pleas of her mother, who was in great pain,did not help here either.A certain ambitious young professor ,who never hid the fact,that he is an atheist and does not need faith in life at all, also played significant role in this. After a while,her mother became ill and her daughter brought her to Bratislava to the hospital for examination. As they passed Blumental/church in Bratislava/ on their way to the hospital. Her mother wanted to pray in the church. Marta says. Mom, you go,I’l.p. wait for you outside. However,it was cold and a cold wind was blowing,so she later entred the Church. It was Holy Mass and Holy Communion was just beginning. Marta was surprised by the many people, who had joinedvnthe Eucharist,and  Her mother  was  among them. That’s when  She remembered how she approached the First Holy Communion years ago. As she thought about it,she noticed that a familiar face was coming from Holy Communion- a professor , an atheist.She remained shocked and embarrassed. After Mass she wanted and  greeted him. The professor saw her embarrassment and says  to her. I have been going to church  for five  years and sitting there for hours. But one  thing bothers me a lot. How many young people have I led to  infidelity in my life. If you also believed  me, when I spoken  against God, please  believe  me even more, when I testifity to him. Marta couldn’t say  a word. She took her mother  to the  hospital and  visited  her often. She also  started  visiting  her  professor, she talked  to him a lot and finally, thanks to him  she  became a believer. Today  she  is  very grateful to him for that. Encouraged  by this event we too pray  at today’s Holy Mass. Jesus, who fed the  hungry  crowds, fill  us  with your  Spirit to  transform into  new  people, who can  indulge  and  give  others bread  a smile and  the  joy  of knowing  faith  in you. Give  us  the  grace to  do as Mother Theresa  our  love  for you.

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