Sources of light

The more the sun is visible in the world, the more God is in
the spiritual world, the source of light … The sun illuminates the eyes,
God illuminates the mind. The sun is the most beautiful we see,
God is the most beautiful thing we know. ”St. Gregor Nazianzus, who writes these words, took the idea from Plato. Most ancient religions in Egypt, Iran, and India identified God’s world with light. The Greeks and Jews spoke alike, but they knew that the sun was not God, that the light was visible, only an image of the invisible, spiritual truth and beauty, God who dwells in inaccessible light (1 Tim 6:16). In addition, Christians believe in the deity of Jesus Christ who is light from light, true God from true God. He is real a light that illuminates every person coming on the world. He was in the world, and the world arose through him, and the world knew him not (John 1: 9-10). Today, after two millennia, we are also knowing this the light is only dim, as if in a mirror (1 Cor 13:12), in reflections. It is similar to the visible sun. His
beauty and efficiency in full glory cannot be affected if we stare intently at the hot disk in the sky. The sun is in the views of the east and the west, in the silver edges of the clouds, in the play of wines, in the golden rain under the treetops, in colors and shadows of the forest, throughout the country. So, the light of Christ he lives and shines in his brothers, in millions of human beings, in the Church, which is his mystical body. Through him we also became sons of light: You once were they were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live like children Light! (Ephesians 5: 8). Even the lamp will not sound and will not be placed under meter, but on a candlestick to shine on everyone in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt. 15:15). The pattern of all perfection is undoubtedly Christ, but a practical guide that guides us to approached their ideal, living people come first, creation in the image of God (Gen 1:27), with which daily we meet: mother, father, teacher, priest, friends, acquaintances, distant people we read about. As a guide the artist is all the beautiful things he sees around him, so our guide to perfection is all the good we encounter if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Nevertheless, there are instructions for painters, exercises on strings for violinists, rules of harmony for composers. These guides are not intended to be drawn an ideal picture of beauty to which everyone should unconditionally adapt. Rather, they are indicators that who s studies art has better seen and perceived true beauty. The “instructions for Christian perfection”, “instructions for spiritual life”, theoretical considerations have a similar meaning on «asceticism and mysticism», on «spiritual theology». Arose similar to art manuals. Experiences were gained great masters, expressed themselves in short formulas, those were then arranged according to a certain system. Usually practical practice prevailed: it begins with what it is supposed to know and what a beginner is to practice, advice for the advanced follows, finally speaking of the highest degrees of connection with God, which is called mystical.
The term «asceticism» comes from the Greek askeo, to practice,
e.g. in the war. So we call ASCIIs the part of the spiritual life where the effort to purify, we deny, the exercise in virtues is more outstanding. Title «spiritual theology» is newer. Some have tried to mention the name «spiritual biology »as the doctrine of spiritual life.
Today we realize that in the past this department in theological studies he neglected enough precisely because ascetic literature was predominantly practical; these were often popular and incomplete books. However, it does not follow that attempts at completeness are most useful. As there are different directions in painting, there are also different tendencies in spirituality. It is good to know the rules of classical paintings, but they cannot be used mechanically by an impressionist. Others are the motives that led to the holiness of the hermits, others of those who prefer to live together. In the same way
no one becomes a composer just because studied the rules of counterpoint. Theoretical instructions, however, they will benefit the one who has the talent for music, who will they train in those who do not want to remain self-growing and unwell. The artist is sensitive to reality, but can absorb, appropriate the experience of others, especially those who have succeeded to see and express what others would miss.

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