Our Lady of Sorrows, Johan 19,25-27

Yesterday’s Feast of the Exaltation of St. The cross and today’s feast of the Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows remind us of the drama on Golgotha. Those under the cross believed that they had overcome Jesus. Jesus’ defeat on the cross was only apparent. He spoke of his death in advance to the disciples, but he also foretold his resurrection. The inscription on the cross did not become ironic, as it was meant initially, but by the proclamation that Jesus is indeed King, not just of one nation, but of the whole world. Even on the cross, Jesus thinks of his own. From the cross, he entrusts his mother to his disciple: “A woman, behold your son” (Johan 19:26), but also to his darling, the apostle John, he entrusts his mother: “Behold, your mother” (Johan 19:27). And in these words, our nation sees a mutual connection with Mary.

It is a pity that we have not learned to look to our bond for the painful mother and our nation until now. Simeon foretold her: “… – and a sword will pierce your soul – to reveal the minds of many hearts” (Luke 2:35). It is spoken of the seven pains of the Virgin Mary. It is symbolic and comparable to her life because there was undoubtedly more pain in her life, and to these seven pains, we can compare the problems of our nation that we cause to each other and that also causes pain to Mary.

The first pain is in Mary’s life when she has to flee with her Son to a foreign land at night because they are reaching for his life. It is not a repetition to remember unborn children on this occasion. Isn’t this the pain of the nation? An ancient philosopher said that where there will be more dead children’s bodies than living ones, one can speak of a country in the past. And our nation is fast approaching this state. More abortions than newborns – this is a sad situation in several of our cities.
The second pain penetrates Mary’s heart when Jesus is lost. Parents dislike hearing about Christian upbringing. Is indifference also manifested in decision-making; ethics as a religion? Many parents don’t mind their child moving away from God.
The third pain in Mary’s heart was heard when she heard the condemnation of the Son to death. Marriages that are divorced. Divorce is a similar sentence to that of Pilate.
The fourth pain is reported when he meets the Son on the Way of the Cross. Materialism causes indifference in faith. Jesus is going to redeem us, and we are not interested in the sacrament, participation in Holy Mass, and prayer.
The fifth pain is at the death of the Son. Many cause pain to the mother by denying eternal life, inadequate preparation for death, by denying the sacrament of reconciliation and the sick.
The sixth pain penetrates Mary’s heart as she holds the dead body of the Son in her arms. The liberalism of opinions. The Christian spirit disappears from social life under the guise of modernity. The spiritual life is relegated to the periphery of society’s efforts.
The seventh pain comes from the burial of the dead body of Jesus. Today, when we can rejoice that the Truth has won, that the Church has again received what belongs to her – freedom, the voices against it are heard again. Many would have preferred the Church not to stand in the way of its moral laws. They want to live and enjoy. The Church becomes their instrument, which stirs their conscience.

Today, however, we are not only aware of the nearness of suffering, but also the joy of the celebration of the Virgin Mary. “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Mt 10:22). Today, the painful Virgin Mary is worshiped by all nations, and Christian nations are united by a respect for the Virgin Mary.

When we got to know Maria, it’s good. This is just proof that we are still united by the bond from Golgotha ​​, and it is a place of hope and redemption.

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