The power of the will and its power MM 22

The will is innate to every individual, but not to the same extent. Strong will, energy can be cultivated through exercise. To develop, I have to have an idea. Without this idea, the will is blind and will not awaken. We would be wrong if we looked for a strong will only in a healthy, strong person. We often find a strong will in people who have had to struggle with life’s difficulties, who have constantly had to overcome. Such overcoming awakens oneself and creates a strong will. We also gain a strong will through daily exercise. Some people have worries over their heads. And they can’t get rid of them even after work. He cannot secure peace of mind with great worries. If I have a strong will, I will call her for help. A strong will,  can ensure peace.

When I put my strong will into action, there is an extremely increased activity in the gray bark, the silo tones are released, and the clairvoyants detect strong radiation around the head. The relaxed siloton can give direction so that it can act on a certain person. Stronger rays emanate from a man who has a firm will than from the eyes of a man with a weaker will. The will alone is blind power; reason must dictate direction to it. Strong-will attacks on an unprepared person are amazing. I will give an example. Mr. John went with his friend Karol on the way. Mr. Jakub used to be about 400 meters away. Karl asked John if it would be possible to summon only by force of the idea of ​​summoning James. James was known to them together. I’ll try it. John began to work with the will for James to come to them. After about 7 minutes, James approached them, and when he arrived, he asked. What do you want from me? Could you talk to us? However, he objected that he did not have time, that he had a job, and he left. At about a quarter of an hour, John began to work again with the will for Jakub to come. In a moment, he came again and asked. What do you want again? To sit with us. Give me a break. Give me a break. And he left. John started working for Jakub again. And James came again. So, what do you want from me? And what do you want here? We’re not calling you after all. Are we yelling at you? No, but I feel like you want me to come to you quickly. This is a true story that proves the power of a strong will.

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