The feast of the “Body of God”

The feast of the “Body of God” was introduced to the whole church by Pope Urban IV. Even before this holiday has been celebrated since 1209 in Luttich at the invitation of the mystic Juliana of Luttich. Bulla Transiturus, by which the Pope ordered the celebration of this feast, begins with the words: the blood in which he divided his body as food and his blood as a drink. For whenever we eat this bread and drink from this cup, we proclaim the Lord’s death. However, at the appointment of this sacrament, he told his apostles himself, “Do this in remembrance of me,” so that this great and revered sacrament may become the most urgent sign for us – a reminder of the great love with which he loved us.
All three readings we have heard tell us something about the covenant between man and God. Although He is infinitely superior to man, He makes a covenant with man. He treats us completely human. When you want to insure yourself, you make a deal with someone. The agreement is binding on both parties. Each agreement has certain conditions and certain consequences or obligations. It could be summarized as follows: “If You fulfill my condition, I will fulfill my obligation to you.” For example, in the first reading, we hear about the covenant between Israel and God through Moses. “Moses came and told the people all the words and statutes of the Lord. And the people answered with one voice, saying, All that the Lord hath said shall we do.
There is something in these words that must not be missing in the survival of the Eucharist as the covenant of the New Testament. We call reception “Latin” communio, “which we can translate into Slovak as unification. To survive full union with someone, physical contact is not enough, but we need to know his thoughts, feelings, and desires. Like the Jews relating (to) the Word of God spoken through Moses, we must first become disciples of the Word of Jesus, who commit: “We will fulfill all that the Lord has said.”
This is a basic condition of the New Testament Treaty. For unification to take place and for us to be able to receive the promises of Christ, we must first accept his Word by faith. Before each Holy Communion, the Word of God is first proclaimed. Before Holy Communion, we are called to say our yes to the “Word of God.” If we do not speak it, if we disagree with the Word of God, and dare to accept, then we commit sacrilege. We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, but not in the Spirit he gives himself to us. I am not alive by the same Spirit like Christ.
The covenant of Moses was made in the blood of sacrificial animals. Blood has always played a significant role in concluding contracts between people in ancient times. As if both sides of the covenant promised their blood, their lives, with this blood. Agreements between people were also concluded as alliance agreements against enemies. Christ entered the uncreated sanctuary, not with the blood of animals but with his own, and thus gained us eternal life and redemption. The blood of Christ, which through the eternal Spirit Himself offered to God as a spotless sacrifice, cleansed our consciences from dead works so that we could serve the living God. And that is why Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant. This new contract is concluded in itself. It is in Christ that God and man are strangely united. The covenant and alliance between man and God. The Covenant and our Salvation. The covenant that God will be with us in our struggle with Evil.
Let’s take another look and remember what our St. Mystery teaches about this great secret. Father Francis: “The Lord Jesus said to his disciples,“ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you knew me, you would know my Father. Now you know him, for you have seen him. “Philip said to him,” Lord, show us the Father, and we need no more. ” He who sees me sees the Father. ” The Father“ dwells in an inaccessible light, ” God is a spirit, ” and“ God has never seen God. ” Because God is a spirit, he is visible only in the Spirit because“ what gives life is the Spirit, the body itself it means nothing. “
However, neither the Son, as long as he is equal to the Father, is visible to anyone other than the Father, nor other than the Holy Spirit. Therefore all those who saw the Lord Jesus in his humanity but did not see him in his faith and believed in him, according to the Spirit and divinity, were the true Son of God. Likewise, all those who see the sacrament of the Body of Christ, which is sacred in the hands of the priest on the altar through the words of the Lord in the form of bread and wine, are rejected, but who do not see according to spirit and divinity that it is truly the holiest Body and Blood of our The Lord Jesus Christ, as the Highest himself testifies, when he says, “This is my body, this is my blood of the new covenant,” and “He who is my body and drinks my blood has eternal life.” who dwells in his faithful receives the holiest Body and Blood of the Lord, all others who do not have that spirit and dare to receive “eat and drink you are condemned “
Well, “people, how long do you want to have an incomprehensible heart,” why don’t you want to know the truth and “believe in the Son of God”? Behold, he humiliates himself daily, as he once descended from the “royal throne” into the life of the Virgin, comes to us daily in humility, and descends daily from the Father’s womb in the hands of the priest to the altar. And as he appeared to the holy apostles in the real body, he appears to us today in the holy bread. As they, when they looked at him, they saw only his body but believed that he was Lord and God because they looked at him with spiritual sight, so we also, when we see bread and wine with the physical sight, let us see and believe that it is his true and living most holy Body and Blood. And in this way, the Lord is always with His faithful, as He says, “Behold, I am with you until the end of this age.”

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