Jesus requires the right decision.

And comfortableness and they did not have the strength to overcome their comfortableness, and they did not have the power to get rid of these weaknesses. They felt fear, so they preferred to settle for a neutral position.

Yes, there is much talk and reflection today about God, faith, and Jesus Christ. We see both negative and positive attitudes in our surroundings. Each side and decision has its reasons. Even today, we come to Mass to be strengthened by the Word and Body of Jesus in the Eucharist. In doing so, we remember the death on the cross, that is, our redemption, our liberation from sin. We come to be strengthened in our relationship with Jesus, which our Church teaches us about. Often, we realize that we must not be Christians only in church or when we pray privately at home. Let us draw strength and resolve to persevere in our journey to follow Jesus before the Lord’s Supper. Yes, we often feel that it is challenging, that it hurts to follow Jesus wholly and completely.
We know from our own lives that even though this decision was painful and complex, it was the right and stunning conclusion. As a priest, I can also say from my own life that I have never regretted my decision to be a priest. For Jesus said: “And everyone who for my name’s sake leaves houses, or brothers and sisters, or father and mother, or children, or fields, shall receive a hundredfold more, and shall inherit eternal life” (Mt 19:29).
Today, after having been a priest for several years, I know that the vocation of a priest is difficult, but I can say that if I had to decide on my work again, I would not hesitate for a minute.
However, I also know from your life journeys that many of you have had to and must make difficult decisions in your faith and journey to follow Jesus. Many of you have also seen that when you put Jesus’ words into practice in your life: “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Lk 9:23) that Jesus will not owe anything to His faithful.

Once we have decided for Jesus, we must not think that it hurts just once in our lives. Indeed, we don’t want Jesus’ words from the Gospel to be true for us: “You also know me, and where I am from your knowledge. And I came not of myself, but he that sent me is true…” (Jn 7:28).
We believe that Jesus is our God, the eternal Love, who loved us above all things. We prefer not to be among those whom John wrote about who tried to seize and kill him when Jesus told them who he was and what he had come for. Even if they did, it was only because he wanted it and not them. He tried to prove his love, saying, “Greater love has no one than this than he who lays down his life for his friends.” (Jn 15:13).

Let us pray for ourselves today that we may always make the right choice, even when it is difficult. Let us not hesitate even in such difficult moments, and let us trust Jesus above all else. May the words help us: “Behold, I am with you until the world’s end!”

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