Come to Jesus
Some thinkers speak succinctly about the need for dynamism in people’s lives. A person needs movement so his muscles don’t start to stiffen, and his joints squeak. And it also requires constant change in the psychological or spiritual sphere. With long-term passivity at one level of his thinking and behavior, he will get so used to this way of life that he will not feel any stiffness or creaking of his joints. He’ll be fine, and he’dinsteadr not even expresses his opinion so that he doesn’t have to change it. And therein lies the danger of everyday life. We will find our suitable tracks and go where they take us. “Follow me…” They immediately left their nets and followed him. Jesus’ words often cut into uncomprehending or hard souls. It seems that time has not dulled the edge of his words. Even now, we do not want to see the need for his challenge. Jesus did not come to force his teaching or philosophy of love on the people around him and their generations. Among other things, he wants to show us only thatjoy and truth can only be achieved through constant internal changes. He does not want to leave us standing in one place or walking only one way.
For example, it abolishes the laws of blood sacrifices enacted by Moses and points to a new way of building a relationship with God. It seems that he saw very well the need for a person to constantly review his previous way of life, the level of relationships and friendships, and the methods of creating them. Our beaten path of life with different profiled wheel tracks. It is essential to change it. But how do we find an effective way to help us make the correct change and not fall back into the usual “drive”? They say that as many people, as many original heads, and as many heads, as many views. Each one is interesting and more or less accurate. Therefore, they can be an enrichment for us.
Let us open our hearts and discover how the horizon of beauty begins to expand for us – like when we climb up to the top of a hill, and a pa, panorama of nature opens before our view, which we could not see from below. Lord, open our spiritual sight and hearing so that we can see and hear how you individually lead us to yourself in the mundanity of our days.
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