The Value of the Sabbath Let us know what makes the Sabbath

Bodily restrictions in favor of the dominance of the spirit are the way to achieve, not only to strengthen, the will of a person, but also to increase asceticism.

A Catholic Christian can adopt it as a great spiritual exercise at the beginning of the church year, without which spiritual growth is indispensable. Jesus did not introduce this means of self-improvement. Jesus heals a man with a withered hand in the synagogue on Saturday. It was enough that he said to him: “Stretch out your hand” (Mk 3:5).

Jesus is God. God ordered that people dedicate the Sabbath rest to him, but God is not only concerned with love for him, but also with love for his neighbor. Therefore, when he heals a sick person, he teaches everyone that he is the Lord of the Sabbath and that the Sabbath is established for man, and not the other way around. When it comes to love for a person, he can use the Sabbath for that.

What does this mean for us believers in practice?
Even though the church regulations oblige us to participate in the holy mass on Sundays and on public holidays, when someone needs our love and help, for example in caring for a small child, then he does not sin. However, we must also ask ourselves this: What good would it do us if we were at three holy masses and did not help the one who urgently required our help right then? With a little goodwill and a proper assessment of all circumstances, things can be arranged in such a way that we fulfill our religious and other obligations. Will the excuse: be “I’m tired after a whole week – and still go to church?” What is fatigue? For those who correctly understand the Sunday meeting with Jesus, the hour is not only not a burden, but they cannot even imagine their life without it. Sunday without Holy Mass means nothing to him. Festive lunch – we can cook it on another day. Even time for a hobby, a hobby with a little love for God, can be solved differently. Constant non-fulfillment of obligations speaks volumes about your faith. Here, it is not enough to say, “I am a believer.”

Let’s also recall some distracting events, which are deliberately scheduled for the morning hours, to lure the faithful away from the Holy Mass. Some organizations also hold their meetings for this hour and organize various events, and it’s funny when they even do violence that you have to…

The Lord Jesus did not desecrate the holy day by helping the sick. If the circumstances require it, we can miss the Holy Mass in exceptional cases out of love for our neighbor. It must not become a general rule. The daughter comes to visit, and the mother no longer goes to Holy Mass because she has to cook! How many know how to arrange things to their satisfaction anyway and can understand it correctly? Goodwill. We want goodwill from others, and when God wants it from us, then we are deaf. 

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