Why am I a Christian?

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Christianity = home for me !! It is a place, a community of people where I feel good and at home, simply welcomed and understood. I never thought that I could become a believer or that I would become one. This is simply not possible, no one becomes a believer in their own free will, just like that, from one day to the next. It is not possible, and it does not work in such a way that a person spends the evening as an atheist and wakes up as a believer in the morning. If someone is a Christian, then only by the will of God. I, too, received the faith and accepted it with joy. And I accepted it all, the gospels, the dogmas, the Church, and the hierarchy. I have accepted all this and I believe in everything that the Church proclaims through its teaching office and from the revelation of the Son of God.

Nowadays, however, I think it has always been like that, being a Christian is a very ungrateful and sometimes dangerous thing. A Christian becomes a fool for the world only because he believes in something that cannot be proven and looks to many people who do not yet have faith as a fairy tale or a tool for manipulation and control of people by the Church. But this is not true, we Christians are not a soulless, unthinking herd that obeys orders and mindlessly accepts everything that is served to them by the leaders. These are practices only, sects do not have their own opinion.

Even I, as a believing Catholic, often become the target of ridicule and attacks because of my faith, which I accepted as the meaning of life and the goal of my entire earthly journey. Unfortunately, many people, even educated people, when they do not understand the faith, at least ridicule it and consider the Christian to be a backward restriction forgotten somewhere in the 13th century. All because he believes. Few atheists know that Christianity is a really difficult and demanding way of life, at least for those who live it honestly, truthfully’d vividly. It is a journey where at the beginning a person confronts himself when a mirror of his self is held up to him, and he is then often unpleasantly surprised and even shocked. It is a journey full of effort of self-sacrifice, self-denial, improvement, a journey full of vulnerability because a believer learns to love all people without distinction, he tries to see Christ the Lord in everyone. That is why a Christian is often, I would say, constantly mentally and heartily open and therefore extremely vulnerable and easy prey for people who just want to kick themselves because they do not understand faith, its mystery, beauty, and uniqueness. Being a believer is truly a gift and not the privilege of a select few. It is a gift from God.

Because a person accepted faith and believed in God and accepted him as his Lord, he exposes himself and takes on much greater responsibility and is therefore judged more severely. When he knew what was good when he knew how to act and didn’t act that way when he offended..etc. On the other hand, the non-believer does not have such a sin and guilt if he did not know and did not know the truth and beauty of faith. The 20th century gave the world many examples of people who were exemplary examples of truly living and true faith in communion with God. I will mention only the most famous ones, Padre Pio, John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Faustina Kowalska… etc. Their example is not anything special, it is a model of what the true Christianity that God wants from us should look like. Their example seems extraordinary to us because many believers are still not able to live the faith that they received and accepted so devotedly and fully, and non-believers because they did not accept the faith and attribute these merits of theirs only to their good heart and character, which is partially true, but the result of their deeds results mainly from faith and communion with God and love for God and people. I ask, if there was no faith, would a person even know what is good, and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, who would teach him?? After all, if they did not have communion with God the Father and his Word and his commandments, our ancestors could not know that raping, murdering, harming, and causing pain is bad!! How would they know?? They wouldn’t be able to suddenly say to themselves this is not good, this is not right while killing if someone didn’t teach them. I aim at God. I ask, if there was no faith, would a person even know what is good, and what is bad, what is right, and what is wrong, who would teach him?? After all, if they did not have communion with God the Father and his Word and his commandments, our ancestors could not know that raping, murdering, harming, and causing pain is bad!! How would they know?? They wouldn’t be able to suddenly say to themselves this is not good, this is not right while killing if someone didn’t teach them. I aim at God. I ask, if there was no faith, would a person even know what is good, and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, who would teach him?? After all, if they did not have communion with God the Father and his Word and his commandments, our ancestors could not know that raping, murdering, harming, and causing pain is bad!! How would they know?? They wouldn’t be able to suddenly say to themselves this is not good, this is not right while killing if someone didn’t teach them. I aim at God. if someone didn’t teach them. I aim at God. if someone didn’t teach them. I aim at God.

Christianity is a difficult and thankless path in life here on earth. It is a path full of ridicule and contempt, a path in the shadow of past mistakes and hurt. But if this path should be rejected only because it has committed many serious mistakes and harms in the past, it would be as if we hated the Germans because their ancestors conquered almost the entire world and sent millions of innocent people to their deaths. Christianity is about something completely different, which, unfortunately, is neither seen nor heard so much, only because only the mistakes and missteps of believers and clergy are always made visible and highlighted. But they are also human and make mistakes like everyone else. I am also only human, and I also make many mistakes, sometimes more than I would like. No one sees the merit and necessity of Faith and believers and God himself.

And that’s why I’m also a Christian so that they can see what Christianity is, I give the best testimony I can, I live the best I can, and I love people, which doesn’t mean that I let myself jump on the head. This is why I believe and why I am a Christian, to love, God, people, and life itself!! I hope that my poor explanation of the reason for my faith and the meaning of faith at least shed some light on us, the fools of Jesus Christ for the world, as believers in fairy tales and mythical beings. A Christian is a person like everyone else, he just lives for different things and a different preseason has a different meaning of life and life goal. Dear brothers and sisters, if you don’t believe and don’t understand, then please at least try to tolerate and without prejudice to know and search for who we are and why we are the way we are, and why we believe in what we believe. God bless you all, my dears !!!

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