Christ addresses us, too.

He often speaks to us. He shows us his love in the sacraments, prayer, and Holy Mass, but also in other acts of Christian spiritual and corporal mercy. It is up to each of us to accept these gifts with faith and obtain graces and gifts for natural and spiritual life, for life here on earth and eternal. Jesus healed the body of the deaf and mute and through the body, he also touched the soul.

The sick man from yesterday’s Gospel expresses this by saying that even though Jesus commanded him not to speak about it, because his hour had not yet come, the sick man did not remain silent and the more “he commanded them, the more they announced it and with the greater admiration they spoke” (Mk 7, 36-37). Today the situation is the opposite. Jesus expects us, rightfully so, to talk about his help, and his love for us, what is the reality? The Christian is deaf and dumb. He is silent when he should speak about God. He is silent when God speaks to him. What is our faith? Faith is not only spoken by the mouth but our whole life, our deeds.

We realize that the patient belongs to the doctor. The sick person must be helped. And when we can understand it in connection with the body, it shouldn’t cause us any more difficulties in the area of ​​the soul. The essence of our faith is that we have all our hope in God, who sees into our hearts and does not see only our exterior. Faith comes from faithfulness to what man knows and who died for man. Our effort is to meet with faith the only one who can heal our body and soul, not only for a time but for all eternity. It is right that we all lead children to prove with their lives that God wants those who believe in him – not only with knowledge but also with deeds, to profess and live their faith. The world today needs educated Christians, but also saints. Not only children, let’s remind ourselves of the requirement of holiness.

We can also use an example. Several painters and artists have incorporated a special technique into their works. In London – in the church of St. Paul, is a painting called “The Light of the World”. It depicts the text from the Revelation of the Apostle John: “I stand at the door and knock”. Jesus in the darkness of the day, with a lantern in his hand, stands in front of the door. The masterful technique means that when the viewer looks at the picture from any side, Jesus is always a person As the viewer moves while watching, he has the impression that Christ is also moving at the same time.

It is our memento. God is always looking at us. And it only depends on us whether we want to be….  In…de, a person remains sick. Pride is an obstacle to receiving God’s gift. Pride is a hindrance to God’s healing.

Let’s explain it with an example: The gardener grafted a new scion onto a branch. When it grew, beautiful apples were born on the branch. The branch snapped. He declared to the trunk and roots of the tree that he did not need them. So the roots and trunk decided not to supply nutrients and moisture to the branch. What followed? We can imagine. The branch did not bear fruit the following year. He dried up.

When we have disappointed God, God may or may not give us another opportunity

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