To be holy is to be.

Fears, longings, hopes, despairs, and sorrows exist only in our minds. It is not accurate. There is nothing like that in Reality. Reality is. Realizing this is the first step to awakening. One is suddenly in the middle of and suddenly, like Neo in the Matrix: But this isn’t real! It’s just an illusion in my head, a harsh and unbearable burden!
And suddenly, he emerges into the Silence of Reality… Which is. God is. I am. The Earth is. Heaven is. Life is. Everything outside of the chaos we have created in our heads and out of which came this twisted unreal world, the opposite of the reality of the Kingdom.
This is redemption—Christ’s gift. “From your vain way of life, inherited from your fathers, you have been redeemed not with corruptible silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, the spotless and undefiled Lamb.” (1 Peter 1:18-19) Deliverance from chaos and transport into God’s reality. In it, everything is as it should be. Silence reigns there because, right in it, everything is already spoken. There is no thirst in it, for everything is already given. It knows no fear; it is not for no reason. Doubts, uncertainties, uncertainties, everything is gone because suddenly everything is clear, specific, and firm, for we look at it and see, understand, and understand. Comparing ourselves, struggling and wrestling, judging, and all these things every day in the world of illusion? They are not here! Not only are there none. They have lost their very meaning; they are meaningless, like a round cube or an iron shaft. We are in God; He is in us, and everything pervades. Of what use and for what purpose would they be? Deep rest in God. Fulfillment. Stillness full of movement, of life, energy. A silence filled with joy and joy filled with peace. Everything is suddenly one. It fits together. Nothing contradicts anything. Evil has lost its meaning that it never had anyway; it just seemed that way. Only the good, existence itself, remains. God himself. Evil is that which is not, that which does not exist. Literally! Good is what it is. No longer some “moral quality,” but being itself. God Is, therefore, He is the fullness of interest. To be good is to be. To be like God, in God, and through God. To be reasonable means to be awakened from illusions and thoughts, to emerge from the confusion and noise of one’s head, and to look into the deafening silence of the real. “The disciples have come to the other shore. They forgot to take bread, and Jesus said to them: “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” But they were thinking and saying: “We have not taken bread!” But Jesus knew it and said: “You of little faith, why do you think you have no bread? Yet do you not understand nor remember the five loaves for five thousand people and how many baskets have you gathered? Nor do you remember seven loaves for four thousand people, and how many baskets have you gathered? How do you not understand that I did not tell you about the bread? But beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees!” Then they understood that he had not told them, but to guard against the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” (Mt. 16,
5-12) “While they were talking about this, he stood in the midst of them and said to them: “Peace to you.” Confused and frightened, they thought they saw a ghost. He asked them, “What are you afraid of, and why are such thoughts in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet; it is I! Touch me and see for yourselves! For the spirit has no flesh and bones – and you see that I have.” As he said this, he showed them his hands and feet.” (Lk 24, 36-40)

“Therefore I say to you: Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about “Do not be anxious about your body, what you will eat. Is not life more than food and the body  more than clothing? … And who among you can add a cubit to his life by worrying? … Be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” Or: “What shall we drink?” Or: “What shall we wear?” Your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this. … Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.  “Every day has enough of its sorrows.” (Mt 6:25, 27, 31-32, 34) To be holy, one needs, and at the same time, it is enough to be. To indeed be in real. Not to appear but to be. Not to play something in a fictional world of ideas, but to be and live in the real and actual. Not in the hurrah of thoughts and their confusion and chaos but in the silence and stillness of a simple being.
Holiness is reality. Holiness is Reality. Holiness is life, authentic in all its magnificent simplicity and simplicity. To be holy is to be. Really. To live. Really. But all of this is already a given. We have already been created and provided by God-given. You have to wake up to it. Wake up and understand. In being, not just theoretically, on the level of lessons. Faith is understanding. So says Tresmontant. And I add: a being understanding, which we accept not only with reason but with our whole being, with our very body. “Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself from of itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither will you, unless you remain in me.” (Jn 15:4) Awaken to Reality, abide in Reality, live Reality. That is the whole point, the secret. God is this Reality. He contains everything in himself and everything the Real is only in Him. Outside of Him and without Him, there is nothing. Only sin: of our minds and the illusion existing in our minds, by which we have made ourselves we have trapped ourselves, and we affirm each other in it… “How can ye believe, ye that glorify one another, and seek not the glory which only God gives?!” (Jn 5:44)

Holiness is not something we do. In a sense, we can’t even go about it in any way to strive for. Holiness has been here for a long time. It can be done; we need to awaken to it. Be to be awake is to be holy. He was awakened from the Matrix of Sin into true God’s reality, which is holiness itself. A righteous man is someone who finally is, not just appears to be. He is finally alive. He is risen from the dead. He weighs in more than all the rest of the world because he has made himself real in the Real, in the God Who Is. He cannot return to the world; no more than a stone can float on a puff of steam. “It was the greatest and most terrible agony for him to be separated from this love; it was hell to him, the only punishment and endless and excruciating torment. And in turn, to enjoy the love of Christ, that was his life, world, angel, present, future, kingdom, promise, and innumerable good things. Apart from what was related to it, he considered nothing sad or joyful. For of what we have here, nothing to him seemed neither hard nor pleasant. And so he despised all that we see, as we despise rotten cabbage. Even to bullies and angry mobs, he looked only as if they were mosquitoes. And he regarded death, torture, and a thousand torments as mere child’s play, “if only he could endure something for Christ’s sake.” (St. John Chrysostom on the Apostle Paul) Holiness is not acquired. It is not accepted. Holiness is entered into by awakening by becoming. “Know what time it is, that the hour is come that ye should awake out of sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we believed. The night has advanced, and the day is near. Let us, therefore, cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Rom 13:11-12)

“The darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining.” (1Jn 2:8). “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us the ability to understand the True One.  We are in the True One, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the True One, God, and eternal life. My children, beware of idols!” (1Jn 5:20-21)
Illusions – sin – divide. That’s because we each have our own; we live
our virtual world of thoughts and ideas that are colliding. Reality – God – unites. There is only one. Real. Objective. In it, we meet; in it, we become one. “One body and one Spirit, as you are also called in the one hope of your vocation. One is the Lord, one faith, one baptism. One is God and Father of all, who is above all, pervades all, and is in all.” (Eph. 4:4- 6) Only in the Body, nothing else.

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