Anton from Padua, priest, teacher of Church.

* around 1195 Lisbon, Portugal

† June 13, 1231, Arcella, today part of the city of Padua, Italy

Name meaning: firstborn; fighting at the head against enemies (lat.)

Attributes: Baby Jesus, lily, fish, donkey, monstrance, guests, flame

Patron of the poor, social workers, husbands, women, children, bakers, miners, travelers, swineherds; in search of lost things, before the sea, fever; before the power of the devil

Bernardo Zenale: St. Anton of Padua, 1500-1510

Bernardo Zenale: St. Anton of Padua, 1500-1510

St. Anton of Padua was born around 1195 in Lisbon into a pious noble family. His first name was Ferdinand. At the age of fifteen, he began to think seriously about the profession in which he would best serve God. To the joy of his parents, he decided to enter the Augustinian monastery near Lisbon. However, he did not find complete peace here, he was disturbed by the visits of relatives and friends. After about two years, with the consent of the superiors, he went to the monastery of St. Cross in Coimbra. He was probably ordained a priest there in 1219. A Franciscan monastery was established near Coimbra at that time. Ferdinand admired this order and desired to enter it, and thus strive even more for perfection. At first, his prior did not want to let him go, but after a while, he agreed. In 1220, Ferdinand put on the robes of St. Franziska and took the name Anton. Soon after, the superiors sent him on missions to Africa among the Saracens and to Morocco. However, Anton developed a severe fever that troubled him throughout the winter. When they heard about the performance, they ordered him to return home. However, the storm drove the ship to Sicily. There, Anton heard that St. Francis convenes on Pentecost r. 1221, all the brothers of his order went to Assisi. He made up his mind to go there. There was probably only one Portuguese among them. After the meeting ended, he reached the Roman province. Brother Gracián, the superior, sent him to the small monastery of St. Paul near Forli. There, he lived in a hermitage, doing menial jobs and living an austere life. He was happy that no one knew his origin or education.

But once, God’s providence intervened. When the bishop ordained new Dominican and Franciscan brothers as priests, he invited them to have one of them preach. No one wanted to, everyone argued. Finally, the superior of the monastery ordered Anton. He also resisted, but then, out of obedience, unprepared, he stepped onto the pulpit. Everyone was amazed to hear the fiery words of wisdom. Anton was then appointed as a teacher of future priests in the Franciscan order. He was appointed preacher in his province. He served in the pulpit for nine years and did much good for the salvation of souls. Not only that, but he had an excellent memory and talent. He completed his theological education. He spoke fluent French and Italian. In 1223, he became a professor of theology in Bologna and later in Toulouse, Montpellier, and Padua. Even as a professor, he remained a humble religious and did not miss prayer and meditation. He also led his students to this.

However, he did not stay at the department for longer. St. Francis ordered him to devote himself fully to the preaching office. Anton became a very well-known and sought-after preacher. Sometimes, he had up to thirty thousand listeners. At that time, he also preached in the squares or meadows.

In 1227, at the general chapter, he was appointed provincial of the entire territory of northern Italy. In 1230, he resigned and returned to Padua. There, in 1231, he continued preaching and writing sermons.

On June 13, 1231, he fainted unexpectedly. He felt that his last hour was approaching. He confessed and received the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Then he sang the song O, gloriosa Domina (O, Glorious Lady), which he composed himself. Full of joy, looking at the sky, he said: “I see my Lord.” He prayed penitential psalms, and during this prayer, he died at the age of thirty-six. He was buried on June 17 in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Padua. Thanks to numerous miracles that began to happen at his grave, less than a year after his death, on May 30, 1232, Pope Gregory IX. declared a saint.

Reverence for him has spread greatly; few churches do not have his statue. It is traditionally invoked when searching for lost things.

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One Response to Anton from Padua, priest, teacher of Church.

  1. XRumerTest says:

    Hello. And Bye.

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