Jesus calls and frees S writer Karl Zuchart wrote the novel Die, a fool, in which he describes the life of a philosopher, scholar, teacher, and adviser to King Henry VIII, also a saint – Thomas Morus. The writer puts the words in the king’s mouth addressed to Thomas: Die, fool! Why crazy? He was smarter than the king! Tomas was a religious person. He was aware that he must not agree to the king’s sin, even at the cost of his life. Therefore, he was a fool in the eyes of the king, but he is a darling in the eyes of God. Tomáš Morus believed Christ’s words and proved with his own life the truth of the words from today’s Gospel. If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, even his life, he cannot be my disciple. And whoever follows me and does not carry his cross cannot be my disciple » Lk 14, 26-27. In fact, these are two very close, although different teachings, on the basis of which a person becomes a disciple of the Lord Jesus. More clearly, Jesus addresses each of us if we want to count ourselves as his followers. Above all, the Lord Jesus points out the relationships that should arise between the members of our family, between us and our environment, how we should understand these relationships if we want to belong to Jesus. He also discusses our relationship with material goods so that we can remain faithful to the Lord Jesus. The words of the Lord Jesus, which touch on relationships with other people, amaze us, if not offend us at all: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, even his own life, he cannot be mine disciples” (Luke 14:26). Strange words. Should we doubt that they were spoken by Jesus, who tells us that children should love their parents, that spouses should live in love and forgiveness? yes, Jesus says so. This statement seems to have struck fear into numerous groups of believers, and therefore the exegetes explain that the term “hate” must not be taken in the sense of our colloquial speech, because it does not refer to aggression. In reality, however, the Lord Jesus teaches us to love God and our neighbor.
Only the Lord Jesus can free us from the state of sin, which means that we cannot show love, nor can we maintain it in our relationship with sinners when sin separates us from God, because then it also separates us from our brothers. A sinner cannot love as he should. It would be wrong to admit that the Lord Jesus tells us to hate someone, on the contrary, Jesus wants to strengthen love in us. With his help, we can learn love and show it appropriately to others.
Jesus said: “Greater love has no one than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). After committing sin, we are also his enemies. Lord Jesus also died for our sins, and that is why he wants to work with us when he says: “Whoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me” (Mt 13:24). This means experiencing again and again the mystery of death and resurrection with the Lord Jesus, and thus overcoming the evil way of love in ourselves, so that we can learn true love from the Lord Jesus through a change in ourselves. Saint Paul writes to Philemon, who has a slave, Onesimus. The slave runs away from him. Onezim meets Paul, who is in prison and accepts the teachings of the Lord Jesus there. Paul baptizes him and he becomes, as it were, Paul’s son. In this spirit, Paul writes a letter to Philemon, which he sends after Onesimus. In the letter, he points to love, that is, to the teaching of Christ, which Philemon and Onesimus also believed. So love must change everything. Therefore, Philemon should realize that although Onesimus is still his slave, but in the teaching he received from him, they are both brothers. Slave and master. Paul writes these words very psychologically, which is a wonderful thought for this time. Paul could have kept Onesimus with him as a helper in prison, but he sends him back to Philemon with the belief that this is how Philemon will truly show his love for the Lord Jesus.
Jesus also points out our correct relationship to material things, with two stories – parables about a man who wants to build a tower and a king who wants to wage war. Both make the same mistake. They lack responsible preparation for events. After all, common sense says that if you want to build something, first calculate whether you have it, whether you will be able to cover the costs you will need for the construction. Similarly, even if you want to start a fight against a stronger one, it is better to choose an agreement instead. With these words, the Lord Jesus confirms how it is necessary to have money for construction and the power of weapons for war, so it is necessary to renounce one’s desires and wishes, which could harm the soul, and thus I could not become a friend of Christ. This is not just a kind of partial, but a total friendship with the Lord Jesus. These words of the Gospel tell us that the multitudes who follow Jesus, which includes us, Jesus does not want to lie. Whoever wants to follow him must realize that it will cost him something. Therefore, a person must make a decision freely and voluntarily.
God on the cross is defeated before the world. But on the third day he is the biggest winner. Let’s realize that the student is not above the teacher. So, if we want to be disciples of Jesus, we must be able to take a proper attitude towards our own life. We often get caught up in nice words. Then we will make many things easier for ourselves. But let’s look a little further than the end of the nose! What will happen when we have to leave this world? Do we want to experience disappointment? He who began to build and could not finish will be laughed at. Do we also want to know ridicule at the end of our lives? He who wanted to go against the odds will be defeated. Do we also want to feel the most terrible defeat when we meet Jesus, our Judge? These words speak to us because no things, whether material or spiritual, no person, even the sweetest, no career and power of the disciple must prevail over the true love that is God! Therefore, let us not be afraid, let us try to control ourselves, to command ourselves when it comes to things beneficial for the salvation of the immortal soul. On the other hand, if we keep what God requires of us, He will repay us a hundredfold here on earth and once in eternity.
When the famous pagan teacher of rhetoric – Libanius – was dying, the students asked: Whom do you recommend as your successor? John of Antioch of Syria, if the Christians had not won him! John was baptized at the age of 20. He sat with this pagan teacher, but he also studied with Bishop Meletios, who also initiated him into the Holy Scriptures. He was amazingly humble. He was ordained as a preacher in Constantinople in the Church of Hagia Sophia, in the Temple of Wisdom. He soon earned the nickname “Goldilocks” for his eloquence in proclaiming God’s word. The emperor wanted to have him with him. However, John was faithful to Christ. He admonished, reprimanded, encouraged without exception, whether it was the common people or the emperor. He preached the living Gospel. Empress Eudoxia hated John because his sermons interfered with her plans. John could not be bought or intimidated. He was not afraid of the cross he carried as a preacher. Eudoxia banished him from the city. The people cried, the empress cheered. But not for long. On the night that John left Constantinople, there was a strong earthquake. Everyone saw the finger of God in this for the exiled John. The emperor called him back. John always put God first. He feared God more than men. He considered it more an honor to fulfill the will of God than the will of people. This is a lesson for us as well. Let us not make God sad by sin! Every sin is a betrayal of God’s love. Let’s realize that what made John great can make us, too. He was not afraid of intimidation, threats, oppression, because that’s when we announce our baptism. Then we are leaven, salt, light for this world. John was still in exile twice. There, too, he proved his faithfulness and devotion to God. He wasn’t afraid. On the way to exile, he fell exhausted in the town of Komane in Little Armenia.
Did we understand? The greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward. The reward in the case of the Lord Jesus awaits us, partly already here on earth with a clear conscience, but especially in eternity. Let us examine our conscience if we are not preferring something else, someone else, before God, so we are setting ourselves up for ridicule when we will not be able to finish our tower here on earth, because we will be called away, and maybe soon. Or do we want to oppose God who called us to this world and want to fight against him, stomp, insult, not fulfill our duties?! Tomáš Morus did not betray his convictions. He didn’t sign. And the king’s words: – Die, fool! – he said not to Tomáš, but to himself! Tomas lives…
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