Why is there evil in the World?

Brothers and sisters, this question has occupied man for millennia. Every day, we priests, as well as you believers, are confronted with the question, why is evil present in the world? Why do innocent or young people die? It is a question that moves around us, along with the question of death. That is why, after a long time, I also reached for a book by the Swiss cardinal of a holy life, the Servant of God Charles Journey, which I had on my desk and dealt with the question of evil.

” The question of evil is complex, but that does not mean that it has no solution, or that the solution is not certain. But it means that the answer to the question of evil will come to us when we come to a certain point where everything becomes clear. Why do we often prefer to accept the raising of problems rather than the answers to them? Why is our spirit more disposed to embrace chaos than Truth itself? ” [1] asks Cardinal Journey.

The answer to the question of evil is given to us by the Divine Savior when we hear today in the Gospel how he goes into the desert. Today, Jesus leaves for the desert, giving us an example of what is essential. Before he began to teach anything, he withdrew to the desert, where he spent 40 days in profound union with his heavenly Father. A person marked by the consequences of original sin, evil inclinations, passions, and personal sins does not overcome them by the power of his own will but needs God’s grace. He always has it when he is not in a state of grave sin, and he multiplies it precisely through prayer, which is the path of deep union with God and is a true foreshadowing of life in Heavenly glory.

Just like in the case of the Israelites, this journey through the desert is the path of conquering the promised land. However, it begins with the desert, also a place of repentance. In the desert, the Israelites have not even conquered the land; they are not a nation but no longer enslaved. They are alone with their God in it, and this time is lovely in God’s eyes but less sweet in the eyes of the chosen people. A long time separates them from the moment of Passover, which foreshadows the Redeemer’s Easter.

It’s been more than a year since we experienced human helplessness against the coronavirus disease, which could fit everything from the whole world into a drink can. A man of the 21st century who thought that he could do everything and that nothing was impossible for him is suddenly powerless. Rich people can pay massive amounts of money to be vaccinated. But he does not choose death. Young, old, rich, and poor at the same time. Even in our country, no one would not be surprised by the news of the death of a person close to him.

Humanity is passing through the desert of its existence, and God has allowed us to lift our minds and souls to him and be converted into soul and body.

For centuries, the Polish nation has been gathering at this time for intensive prayer in Warsaw’s Basilica of the Holy Cross, where they ask for God’s blessing for the entire country. This very place, where they keep the relics of the wood on which our Lord Jesus Christ suffered, became the site of attacks by supporters of another epidemic – the LGBT rainbow plague. The man who took Christ off the Cross wants to place himself there by force. The rebellion of creation against its Creator, which has been going on since the beginning of the world, has a clear winner in advance.

This season of Lent, which we entered only a few days ago, should be a time of desert. In the center of it will be a deep union with God through Jesus’ redemptive Cross. Let’s use it as best we can and meditate as often as possible on the suffering of the Savior, with which he redeemed us and thus made us God’s children.

Let’s decide today how we will survive this fast and ask our conscience daily how we managed to fulfill our resolution. Let’s dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to personal prayer. We are reading about the Savior’s suffering by meditating on the Stations of the Cross or praying the painful rosary. Let’s visit our churches during the walk and greet the Divine Savior in them. On Sunday, let’s read the readings of the Holy Mass in advance and meditate on them. Finally, you who have children and your families, teach your children about the Savior’s suffering.

Finally, let the words of the Angelic teacher, St. Thomas, be an encouragement to us:

” If anyone wants to live perfectly, let him do nothing but despise what Christ despised on the Cross. And he longs for what Christ longed for. No virtue does not have its example on the Cross. If you are looking for an example of love, no one has greater love than the one who lays down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

And that is what Christ did on the Cross. Therefore, if he gave his life for us, it must not be difficult for us to endure any evil for him. How can I repay the Lord for defending me so many times? (Ps 116,12)

If you are looking for an example of patience, you will find the most significant one on the Cross. Great patience manifests in two ways: when one endures great suffering patiently, or when one endures what one could avoid but does not avoid. Christ suffered much on the Cross: O all you who walk the way, see if there is such pain as mine. (Nar 1,12)

And he bore it patiently because he did not threaten when he suffered. (1 Peter, 2.23)

And like a sheep led to the slaughter, he remained mute like a lamb before the shearers. (Is 53.7)

He could have avoided the suffering, but he didn’t. Do you think I could not ask my Father, and He would not send me more than 12 legions of angels at once? (Mt 26,53)

So the patience of Christ on the Cross is incredible. Let us run patiently into the battle, as we have been commanded, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, the originator and finisher of our faith.” (Heb 12,1-2) [2]

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