A stage in which our ancestor was conscious neither of himself nor of God.

When did the Creator appoint the time to begin man’s evolution? We don’t know, and we won’t know exactly. It could have been sometime in the early Neogene, 23 million years ago. The important thing is that from then on, God led our ancestors, slowly, step by step, to greater and greater perfection. We can speak of one unbroken line leading up to today. Other branches have gradually started to branch off and diverge from this line. Side lines of development and ended blindly. Either they became extinct or the present-day great apes. We find in them the remains of what in the past were considered to be the direct ancestors of man. But we know little of the actual ancestors from the direct human line. The chipped-off blind layers serve as circumstantial evidence for the existence of the leading human evolutionary line. We find few direct remains because they did not constitute 5 percent of the population in their very existence. Of all actual and false hominoids/human-related species./ Of the 20 or so human remains found, only one belonged to a direct ancestor.
The man began to evolve in East Africa over several million square kilometers. And they are indeed found. They are sleeping the sleep of peace beneath the deposits of the ages. From there, men and other relatives moved to Europe and Asia. Thus, the area of the range of man’s ancestors increased to several million kilometers. Then, too, what has been found is worthy of admiration.
In 1856, Dr. Fontana of France discovered a hominoid skeleton in a lignite mine near Toulouse; by research, anthropologists concluded that it may have belonged to the direct ancestors of man. It was given the name Dryopithecus. It was about the size of today’s 12-year-old child, who lived in forests and was fed on plant food . More than half a thousand finds of this creature have been found in Africa and Asia. They showed considerable variability according to the conditions in which they lived. It is almost impossible to know which genus continued to evolve and moved on to man. One thing we can say for sure, however, is that the great apes, orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees alive today have diverged from the evolutionary lineage of the Dryopithecus and have gone their way. God did not choose and ordain their descendants to develop further to greater maturity. It is like when, out of many applicants, many failures drop out. If today a chimpanzee or gorilla can help itself gather food with a stick or build a footstool out of logs to reach an unreachable banana, Dryopithecus did it 14 million years ago. But later dryopithecus did more, but chimpanzee evolution remained at the same level, When did today’s great apes diverge from dryopithecus? The orangutan about 8 million years ago. The chimpanzee and the gorilla once formed a single rof that also branched into two lineages. This happened about 5 million years ago. And this is also the end of the first evolutionary Man, who finally said goodbye to his animal ancestors and embarked on a path of self-development.

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