Let’s be honest and fair.
Lent has just begun, and many believers (finally, as it should be)are trying to experience it as a spiritual preparation for Easter, a time of repentance and fasting. And so, if they take their efforts seriously, they won’t avoid the question, „what exactly is fasting?“and „how to experience it?“Perhaps even more important is how to organize it. I think there are enough treatises and instructions on this subject, not only from spiritual literature but also from the practice of today’s church, and in general, a lot has been written and said about the post.
But today, we don’t have to go far for an answer; it’s enough for us if we listen carefully to the words of the prophet Isaiah in the first reading. Let’s put them in historical context. The Israelites experience their first years after returning from the Babylonian captivity; they have returned full of enthusiasm, but they find a plundered land, a ruined temple, full of difficulties they did not count on, and their enthusiasm begins to wear off, and their strength fades… What is more straightforward and seemingly more logical than to cling firmly to what has kept them spiritually afloat for decades, giving them strength? Namely, to the Law, its regulations, and commandments. But, instead of the norms and rules that lead them to life, they made idols out of them and absolutized them – so the result is a thorough and consistent fasting drill, but without contentment, heartless.
Isaiah feels how the life-giving content of the law disappears, and, therefore, as if through the mouth of the Lord, he instructs, stirs, and calls for true fasting. And it begins with what is easier to understand – not by further refining and chiseling Lenten commands, but by pointing out what fasting is not. At the same time, he helps himself with examples of misunderstood Lenten behavior: demonstratively fasting, theatrically pouring ashes on his head, showing himself in public in sackcloth, and chatting in the middle of ashes. Perhaps it is to increase the effect of punishing yourself with reprimands, but at the same time – and this is important! – to remain the old person with a complex and proud heart. Performing a fasting exercise that touches the body but inside, in the heart, does not change anything. Instead of transformation and reversal, only external cosmetic treatment. And what about the Lord’s prophet: „Thou shalt call this a fast, a day dear to the Lord?“
He then adds examples from the level of interpersonal relationships. You can also play Lenten theater and behave like a heartless, selfish person. Lent and repentant action are not, for example, to be angry, grumpy, and intolerant of one’s closest relatives in the family, just as being unfair to one’s co-workers, superiors, and subordinates and arguing, sobbing, resentment, envying, slandering, cursing, using violence. Or, to put it another way, eagerly looking for business, looking at where to rip off someone and where to crack something, is also not compatible with Lenten’s behavior. The Lord says again through the mouth of the prophet: „Is this the fast that I like, the day in which man is deadened?“And the lesson continues this time positively, with examples of fasting. Lent means being most just, helping others in their difficulties, accepting them as they are, and not wanting to manipulate them. Not to oppress anyone and not to despise anyone. Feed the hungry and dress the naked. Being the second brother in everything…
According to the Lord, this is the true Lenten, repentant and humble action. Its correctness is as if underlined by a promise: „Then your light will come out like a Zora, and your scar will soon heal. Your righteousness will go before you, and God’s glory will follow you. Then you shall call, and Yahweh shall answer you, shouting for help, and he shall say, Here I am.“
This promise fully balances God’s demanding demands. If we are honest and our inner attitudes and thoughts correspond to our deeds, we can count on God’s help in all situations and moments of our lives. God will become our companion and protector. And that’s not exactly enough.
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