Can I delight in the death of a sinner? – says the Lord God – or not in turning away from his ways and living? › Ez 18. 23.
God told the prophet Ezekiel: „ But if a sinner turns from all the sins he has committed, and keeps all my commandments and acts according to law and justice, he will surely live: he will not die. I will not remember his sins that he committed, because of the righteousness that he has done, he will live. Can I rejoice in the death of a sinner? – says the Lord God – or not in turning from his ways and living?“ (Ez 18,21-23). From these words, we know that the Lord does not want to lose any of us. He says that He wants everyone to turn from their evil ways – to repent.
However, we often confuse repentance with fasting and the Sacrament of Penance. Repentance – metanoia – means a change of mind. True repentance begins within us – when we accept that the Lord wants to give His forgiveness and healing. He wants it first. He wants to provide us with His mercy – and not just once – but all the time, every day. …for his mercy does not pass away; it is renewed every morning; great is your faithfulness. God also promises Ezekiel that he will remember his sins. He will not remind him of them and return to the past. The Lord even warns us against turning back.
Let’s remember Lot’s wife who disobeyed. However, we cannot always recognize our mistakes and failures. We cannot always forgive ourselves – but the Lord says that if you do not forgive, I cannot. But, a change of mind changes our hearts, leading us to the Supreme more and more. I will give you a new heart and put a new one within you; I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ez 18,31).
True repentance also involves a willingness to change our lives – to turn from our ways and walk according to God’s will. Listen to my voice; I will be your God, but you will be my people. Also, walk in every way I command you so you may be well guided. (Jer 7,23) The apostle Paul also invites us to this -, And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God, which is good, and pleasing and perfect.“ (Rim 12.2).
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I come to you today as I am. You examine me and know all about me. I place my sins, falls, and failures in Your hands. You know them better than I do. Thank you for dying for them. Thank You for reconciling me with the Father. Thank you, God, for forgiving me through your Son. Thank you, God, for always giving me a new and new chance. From now on, I want to walk according to Your will. I give myself entirely to it.
Questions to ponder: Do you feel like you need a heart change? • Do you accept the Lord’s forgiveness? • Can you forgive yourself too? • Do you want to submit to His will?
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