Monthly Archives: July 2024

An American,who teaches Christians to meditate.

Many believers avoid meditation, unaware that a Christian form exists. Says Edward Groody in an interview, who also teaches the so-called prayer of consent in Slovakia. Photo: private archive of EG Help us protect the church from attacks The church … Continue reading

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The price of the Holy Mass is priceless.

The price of the Holy Mass is infinite. I recently learned about six holy masses celebrated for the dead, called clementines. Where can they be served? We receive the fruits of the Holy Mass all the more intensively; the more … Continue reading

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Prioress Gassmann receives honorary doctorate: “I am totally overwhelmed”

The priest of the Benedictine monastery in Fahr has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Theology at the University of Fribourg. “The many reactions I have received show me that this is a great encouragement for many … Continue reading

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Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves

Jesus, our Lord, sends his followers like sheep among wolves and tells them: Be cautious as snakes and simple as doves… Even though Saint Francis de Sales claims that he would not give one dove for a hundred snakes, that is, one … Continue reading

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St.Benedict of Nursia

Visitors counter: 72

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Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictines.

  Holiday: July 11 * about 480 Nursia, today Norcia, Umbria, Italy † March 21, 547 (or 560 ?) Montecassino monastery, Italy The meaning of the name is the one who blesses and wishes well (lat.) Attributes: cup, pastoral (bishop’s staff), … Continue reading

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Mr 6,7-13

Take nothing but yourself!  Today’s Gospel raises one problem. That is, not only the evangelist Mark writes about the sending out of the apostles, but also Matthew and Luke. And there is a difference in these three texts. The list … Continue reading

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The knowledge of the Father surpasses words

Jesus said to the disciples: “I have revealed your name to the people you gave me out of the world. They were yours and you gave them to me and they kept your word. Now they knew that everything you … Continue reading

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When he saw the multitudes, he felt sorry for them because they were downcast and depressed like sheep without a shepherd » Mt 9, 36.

This is not just an event, but a profound revelation. It is Matthew’s narrative amidst miracles. The masses encircle Lord Jesus. He heals and heals. His love extends in two directions. One reaches physical wounds, the other, less visible but … Continue reading

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The Resurrection of Jairus’ Daughter and the Healing of the Woman

Lord, what should I notice in this passage? » I realize with what faith Jairus came to me. He came asking me to heal his dying daughter. He believed I could do it. I could not remain oblivious to such … Continue reading

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