The Resurrection of Jairus’ Daughter and the Healing of the Woman

Lord, what should I notice in this passage? » I realize with what faith Jairus came to me. He came asking me to heal his dying daughter. He believed I could do it. I could not remain oblivious to such faith and trust in my help, so I immediately went to his house.

What were you doing when Jairus came with a request? » I was just standing on the shore teaching the multitudes. Everyone wanted to hear my words and everyone was pressing me.

You healed someone in that stampede. How did that happen? » When I went with Jairus to his daughter and made my way through the crowd, I suddenly found that a power came out of me that healed someone. I stopped and asked who touched me.

Did you see the healed one? » A woman pushed her way to me from among a crowd, fell at my feet and told everyone how thanks to my power she was cured of the disease that was bothering her. With faith she touched my garment and this faith of hers found an answer. Don’t be afraid to push yourself with faith among the crowd that only wants sensations and touch me. I will heal you.

Immediately after this event, he went to heal Jairus’ daughter. How did this healing go? » When I was on my way to Jairus’ house, the servants came from there and reported that the girl had died. I saw that a greater miracle than healing would need to be performed here. But it is not a problem for me to give someone life, so I encouraged Jairus to trust me.

How were you welcomed in Jairus’ house? » There was a lot of crying and wailing waiting for us there. When a young person dies, it always shakes everyone. The girl was dead and, in their opinion, there was nothing more that could be done. I knew that the girl could be brought back to life. I did it as easily as if I woke someone up, so I told them the girl was just sleeping.

How did the residents of the house look after the girl’s resurrection? They were shocked at what they saw. Even the parents were completely beside themselves with amazement and joy, so I had to remind them not to forget to give the girl something to eat.

Lord, what do you want to challenge me to do today? » To greater faith. Trust me more. I can help you even when it seems that there is no more hope. I will help you in the fight against the enemies that are around you and in yourself.

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