The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

Virtues and gifts
As we have said, man and the Spirit work together that every activity of the believer is divine-human. However, it occurs to varying degrees and in a variety of ways. In some moments there is more human effort, in other circumstances, we feel more divine help as an undeserved gift. This fact led scholastic theologians to distinguish between “virtues” and “gifts.” This can be explained as a simple example. Under the guidance of a teacher, everyone can learn to paint. But not everyone creates a work of art; this requires talent,”The gift.” The Holy Spirit is a counselor who teaches everyone to live according to the requirements of the gospel to practice the virtues. However, to some, they give a special gift during this exercise, and this is reflected in their behavior. The same way you can record your talent for painting is to see in saints a special gift to piety, sometimes already in adolescence. When we read that Saint Alois Gonzaga made the vow of purity before the painting at the age of seven Our Lady, we admire this “gift” of the Holy Spirit. If there are already a large number of natural talents, the more diverse are the supernatural gifts of piety. Text from the prophet Isaiah, however, he led the Church Father and after him spiritual authors do that by calculating separately “The seven gifts of the Spirit.” According to a translation of the Greek Bible and the Latin Vulgate, the following text reads: fruit (that is, from the generation of David, the future Messiah will arise); the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: the Spirit wisdom (1) and reason (2), the Spirit of counsel (3) and power (4), the Spirit of knowledge (5) and piety (6), the Spirit of him he will fill the fear with the Lord (7) “(cf. Isaiah. 11: 1-3).

The authors felt free to explain these terms according to their standards. So can we explain their meaning according to the speech that is closer to our mentality? Who wants to create a logical system is declining into artificial considerations.

The gift of Wisdom
Linguistic expressions have a history. Greek word
Sofia translates as Wisdom and in modern languages ​​have a predominantly intellectual touch. Wise to us is a man who knows a great deal about things, and he has a clear mind. However, in ancient Greek, he was wise a man and a capable worker, a master of his field. In Homer, he is looking for some “wise man” to repair the ship. However, for Greek intellectuals, this one the term became abstract over time. “The philosopher means” he who loves Wisdom,” which is losing more and more sense of practical life, and he wants to know higher, eternal truths. Even in Hebrew, Wisdom (korma) is practical.
But the Jews immediately introduced her to the context of life.
The wise not only knows something, but also succeeds. “Sapient” books of the Old Testament often confront each otherwise and foolish. The former can be entrusted with any function, the latter errs, everything goes wrong and dies in misery. But success in life cannot be separated from a religious attitude. The Israelites knew full well that they had or not to succeed, it does not always depend only on us, but on God. Therefore, they confessed that the beginning of Wisdom is fear with the Lord (cf. PS 111: 10). When they compared the Wisdom preached in the Holy Scriptures with the Wisdom of the Greeks intellectuals, they were sure that Wisdom was not a virtue, which man could acquire himself, that it is a gift of God.St. Paul notes that the Greeks are searching wisdom (cf. Car. 1:22), but does not praise them for that. Christianity in the great Roman Empire means victory ordinary people, uneducated, but healthy judgment, perfected by the gift of the Holy Spirit, is definitely to be preferred to the conceited
Greek Wisdom, which God has already turned into nothing because it was overcome by the Wisdom of the cross. In the Biography of St. Cyril, the Apostle of the Slavs stands this excerpt: “When he was seven years old, the governor before he gathered all the girls out of the city, and commanded him to choose one. You have chosen Sofia – Wisdom. “It was a dream, but it soon became a mystical experience. Engaging in divine Wisdom meant for saints choose forever religious life, find a pearl, for by which, according to the Gospels, man sells everything (cf.
Mt 13.46). It meant being successful in life in the noblest sense of the word. The gift of reason
It is good to remember how she was in Ancient Greece underlined the excellence of the human intellect, light soul. Intelligence can understand everything that catches the eye. In addition, it elevates us to a higher level of the world, creates ideas of beauty and goodness. Through the intellect, man attains the divine world; it promotes the mind to God, the supreme light. Therefore, even the Fathers admonished Christians to try still lifting the mind up. But on the other hand, they knew from the Scriptures that God dwells in unapproachable light (cf. 1 Tim 6:16) and that his secrets transcend any created intelligence. No one can get out to heaven, but he who descended from there, Jesus said Nicodemus and said this about himself (cf. Johannes 3:13). But then he sent us his Spirit. He also descends from heaven and elevates our intellect to heaven.
Plato said that the human intellect is divine innately, and therefore can know the infinite beauty. Christians correct his opinion. We can not rise innately, but by grace, it is the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. But Plato understood very well that a person living on this earth, especially if he was young, needs to see heaven before his eyes ideal not to get stuck in the mud or dirt. How the sad experience of every day confirms this truth! Try to have an idea, keep it in sight, educators warn. But even their admonition will be futile lacking the light of the Holy Spirit. Advice is given to someone who doubts or to who has to decide to choose a thing and tossed in uncertainty. In illness, we try to we were advised by a doctor, a lawyer during court proceedings, in domestic life, children follow the advice of their parents. In the spiritual life, it is recommended that everyone do his decision according to the advice of a good clergyman counselor. And he is called “spiritual” precisely because the Holy Spirit helps him, and so he can see them
“God’s counsel,” the plans, the calling that the Creator has since
Eternity-with each person. But not everything we have to do, we doubt, and we hesitate. Many of God’s commandments speak clearly:
You will not kill, you will not steal, love your neighbor, etc. Because of
In this, theologians distinguish between “commandments” and “counsels.” The former are binding on all. The others God only “counsels,” such as celibacy, the promise of poverty and religious obedience; the condition which Jesus gave to the rich young man applies to them: “They wished to be perfect …” (cf. Mt 19:21). Commandments, he commits a sin. Advice, they say moral theologians do not commit under penalty of sin. And yet the resolution is not as strict as it should be it seemed not to be absolutized. Who is in the secular”obliged” to do something in life; he is no longer free, to vote. On the contrary, God respects our freedom in everything he tells us. It seems paradoxical, but in a way in the sense of the word, he always “advises” us to live Christian and be holy. He does not do it from the outside, but from within, in our hearts, in our consciences. The counselor does not enforce something forcefully but gives an insight that the thing is better in one way or another. The Holy Spirit is such a counselor for us. Pharisaic circles they imposed God’s law as an external norm and mercilessly demanded that others fulfill it. The apostle understood that such observance of the law did not sanctify it that violence. Therefore, he preferred one t according to the internal law of the Spirit, who does not destroy freedom simultaneously it gives an insight into the meaning of the commandments. In this light, thus, does not appear as an obligation but rather as a privileged man that can imitate Christ and participate in his holiness. St. Paul explains to the Galatians that external obedience to the law is necessary if people are alive to God in a state of slavery. But Christians receive into their hearts the Spirit, who calls Abba, Father, they are no longer slaves, but sons (cf. Gal 4: 6-7). When we call on the Madonna as the “Mother of Good Advice,” we ask her to give us clairvoyance similar to that as she had when she obeyed the voice of the angel. Her free “Yes” made her immaculate The Mother of the Savior.

The gift of strength
The ancient Stoics state fear among the four passions that disturb the peace of the soul. One should not be timid but brave, not to be afraid to fight for justice. “To live is to fight,” says the Roman do of Seneca. Even in the Old Testament, the brave are praised, warriors. However, it should not be mentioned that their bravery is based on the fear of God. Men were not afraid because they believed in God and had more
trust in him than in your swords, muscles, and war experiences.
And how do Christian authors define this power? It is described in these words: ‘It is a virtue that guides man lest he trusts in his strength, and believe in God Help. Thus, it overcomes the fears and doubts that concern the effort and heaviness that befell him during his spiritual life. “By this trait, the Christian bravery differs from the natural courage of warriors. Subtle souls can be brave quite differently than those who fight together. They can defend the truth with humility, but fearlessly, confident that he would win. Such a fortress is supposed to have daily life, which requires sacrifices from mothers, doctors, priests, workers … We have to endure numerous difficulties every day: unjustified criticism, slander, just because we do our thing
bligation. Someone could become timid. But timidity, writes St. John Klimek, “arises from a lack of faith, trust in God; the conceited soul falls into bondage of fear; because n relies on each other, he has
fear, even if only a leaf or a shadow moves “. The author acknowledges that timidity can also be a physical weakness, the result of weak nerves. But he believes he can be healed with God’s help by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The gift of knowledge
The gift of knowledge can be understood in the same sense as gift
wisdom or reason. However, we can approach this expression with a unique approach. We live at a time when the so-called “sciences” have reached perfection previously unseen. “Scientists” are severe and a “scientific” view of any matter is accepted  as infallible. Its subject is primarily visible nature, the universe. However, in addition to these “natural sciences”, there are other sciences. Literature, art, history of philosophical thinking, etc. are studied. However, it is in these areas
we realize that science has its limits. The lives of poets can be studied scientifically in literature, the publication of their works. However, it is necessary to have a unique ability, a personal gift, for someone to understand the beauty of some poems. Scientifically, he can and must determine everything it is necessary to build a church, but this does not guarantee that the building will be a work of art. Even more, are they reaching these boundaries when they are scientific studies religion? Already in the first Christian centuries, some studies with great expertise Holy Writ. Unfortunately, they were the ones who fell into delusions. Saint Basil explains the reasons for these mistakes as follows: To someone understood agriculture, he must be a farmer,
music is recognized by a musician, a written book correctly explains only the one who is close in mind to the author, who wrote it. The author of the Holy Scriptures is, as we believe, the Holy Spirit; therefore he is also holy. And so, he can authentically understand and explain the divine Scripture only he who has the Spirit of God from whom he comes spiritual knowledge. This statement applies especially to sacred texts, for the Holy Scriptures. But God is also the author of the universe, visible nature. He created the world with His Word. He gave it to him hence also its meaning because it is its artistic
work. Who can understand them? Again, only the one who has
shared in the spirit of the author, in the Spirit of God. Everything that exists comes from God. All therefore has a spiritual meaning that is open only to those who receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is pure
heart and therefore sees God (cf. Mt 5: 8). This does not diminish the value of the human sciences. They appreciate it with all their results. But he admits that “human science “is completed by the spiritual science that gives them meaning.

When we say that one is “pious,” we testify that he faithfully fulfills his religious duties. In ancient times, the term used to have a broader meaning: it is above all, the virtue that governs human relationships. It’s in the Bible considered pious who is faithful to his parents, relatives, friends, species. The prophets encourage the people
to godliness toward God because he is like a father to the people,
as a friend, as a species. He is, as we read in the book of Revelation, the only saint, that is, the only one who remains faithful in
in all life situations (cf. Rev 15: 4). It includes observance of it on the law of certain religious actions. True piety cannot be limited to mere external acts, to ceremonies, but he feeds on the love which animates, as the prophet Hosea warned (cf. Oz 6: 6). And what should our godliness be to people? Christian he has to love everyone. But he can be faithful to everyone, he can trust everyone? Spiritual authors distinguish: we have to do good to all, friends and enemies, but we can only trust God; and only to those of the people who we know and who deserve our trust. But how can to know a person? Everyone is the secret of freedom and love. Just because man is a secret, it cannot be recognize by “scientific standards”. Dostoevsky tells one legend about the Crystal Palace. He built get it one scientist. He will let in only what is proven, clear and reasonable. What’s mysterious is thrown out as unworthy scientists. He will move into this house, and he is proud of him. It boasts of the clarity that made it surrounds. But soon he gets bored because there
he does not find two things that make life happy: freedom and love. These two things can never be “clear”. The theologian Pavel Florensky concludes: it is necessary finally decide that there are two different ways knowledge, the way of things and the way of people. When we discover things, we proceed in the way that advised us Cartesian: first appears what is obvious, clear, then the procedure is less clear, while logically considered. In the end, there are only clear assumptions about laying too we do not trust. In other words, we are building a crystal palace. A completely different situation occurs when we meet people. You are never clear, their hearts, their intentions
they are never obvious. All that remains is another approach, namely
give them confidence initially. When we live with them later
in a confidential relationship, shall be revealed and identified by
that they will give their trust to us as well. The beginning of this process is therefore dark. It is believed but he doesn’t understand. Isn’t it risky? They do not arise precisely from this unwise initial trust of the tragedy? If someone accepts an unknown person, he wants it
others recommended it as faithful. But even in such cases, one is often wrong. And yet he is famous The “spiritual Fathers” were not mistaken, they used to have cardiognosia, cognition of hearts, read, as is often witnessed, in the souls of others as “in an open book.” the gift of the Holy Spirit. To some extent, it is given to all righteous and pious Christians, and therefore they can safely maintain piety not only to God but to even to people according to the Spirit who guides them.
The gift of the fear of God
Simple use of terms such as: fear of God, death, hell it terrifies a modern man who considers them outdated medieval ghosts or the fruit of Baroque sermons. This aversion wants to be justified by the teachings of the New of the law of love, which overcomes the fear of rejection. How even psychological reasons do not seem to speak in favor fear. Both in the education of young people and publicly does not achieve moral benefit by threats. He claims that he characterizes the “atmosphere of fear” primitive religion. The more developed the concept about serving God, much less about punishment. That’s it
correctly. However, from these assumptions we would, could draw a conclusion about a dual religion: one for ordinary people and others for advanced, both ironically claimed the French philosopher Voltaire: “I do not believe in the devil, but I’m glad my tailor believes in him. ”
Marcion wanted to in the first Christian centuries relieve the conscience of his followers. He said all God’s threats and punishments belong to the Old Testament, which fortunately, it has passed and been replaced by the New. What does the Christian teaching tell us about the fear of God? Me too we believe that what the Holy Scriptures say is true: “The beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord” (Ps 110:10). How many times it is just repeated in the psalm: “Blessed is the man who he is afraid of the Lord “(Ps 112: 1). But it is interesting how he is this feeling is associated with another typically biblical concept: the glory of the LORD. God is glorious when He reveals His own majesty, manifests its power in its miraculous deeds. The Hebrew term for glory is kabod, which it literally means gravity. When the glory of the Lord appears, the people realize that God needs to be taken very seriously existence, his words and what he requires of us. He who gains this firm conviction lives in God’s sake fear.  Fear of God is a nervous weakness caused by fantastic images. On the contrary, it is a calm decision: to take things seriously and not to put on big ones the importance of what is priceless. That’s why we are afraid He frees God from unnecessary fears, teaches us so that we are not afraid of people then it’s a calm decision: take serious things seriously and not attach big things the importance of what is priceless. That’s why we are afraid he frees God from unnecessary fears, teaches us lest we be afraid of men, of elements, of animals, or of devils. Holy
Jan Klimak shows how ridiculous about those who they want to steal but run away because there are bad dogs, but he is not afraid of God, who sees bad intentions. The same author is also strict on unscrupulous people they are afraid of the future because they do not believe in the remission of sins, in God’s mercy to the repentant. The Scriptures rightly say that fear is only the beginning wisdom. It is the first stage of spiritual life, which leads to God’s love. In the spiritual life we can As an example of maturity, mention St. Anthony the Hermit, who at the end of his life said: “Already I’m not afraid of God. “He understood that taking God seriously meant loving him wholeheartedly.

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