Perfection is for everyone. Everyone must save their souls. If it is the same as Christian perfection, it follows that all people are called to action. It applies to everyone the words of the gospel: Be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48). So, it is not right to speak as if perfection was only a privilege, a prerogative of the monks. The Gospel applies to all. The first monks did not even intend to establish any special situation. They wanted to take the gospel literally, and so they created an environment that allowed them.

All Christians must trust in God’s providence (that is, the meaning of the religious vow of obedience), they can keep a pure heart (the promise of purity leads to this), to appreciate more God’s grace than all things in the world (the essence of the promise of poverty). They often have plenty and plenty of opportunities to prove themselves in these virtues. How many circumstances and they must submit to the people! How much effort it costs to control not physical inclinations even in marriage! There is no poverty either in the world, a rare guest.
So, it’s hard to talk about any special spirituality, the spirituality of the monks, which would be quite different from lay perfection. The Holy Spirit, who sanctifies all, is one, the gospel is one, the main means of
achieving perfection is offered to everyone. Monks have only the peculiarity of committing to the promise that they will use these means according to the order rules approved in the Church. Therefore, according to St. Bernard, «She likes to live easier and die safer *.
State of perfection
The religious state is referred to in the Church as the “state.” perfection *. This does not mean that only they achieve it, nor does it claim that all monks are perfect. However, the environment in which they live gives them a path to perfection facilitates. By making a promise, the pursuit of perfection becomes their duty of status. The name monk is from the Latin regularis, t. j. a man living according to a rule, rule, order approved by the Church. The monk is from the Greek monachos, a man living in the axis of the moat. The first monks went to the desert. According to its legal approval, it refers to ‘councils’ or ‘congregations.’ However, traditionally, this is of little importance. Those who do not are priests are called religious “brothers” and “sisters.”
In the Greek ecclesiastical language, the religious state is still called
“Angel life.” According to the Gospels (Luke 20:34), .people will be resurrected from the dead “like angels.” Monastic rules often speak of the “paradise” of monastic solitude. So, the monks strive to mature now, if possible, to the perfection to which, in the end, all those who are saved should come.
Angels are pure spirits; they have nobody. According, the life of the monks is more meritorious to John Klimak because they strive to live in the spirit despite being in the body. This applies not only to sexual abstinence but also to other virtues: abstinence in food, in sleep, but for all, prayer. Scripture says about angels that they constantly see the face of God (Matt. 18:10). That is why even monks try to adapt their lives so that there is always a memory of God. However, it is not just this goal that all monks ideal. There are so-called active, apostolic, and contemplative councils. The apostles devoted themselves to preaching, education, spiritual administration, hospital service, missions, social associations, the press, etc. Those who you are had chosen a contemplative life; they want to be of benefit to their neighbor and the world through prayer and repentance. What we read about repentance and the killing of old monks breeds arouses terror and perhaps even resistance. However, we forget that one’s view of external deeds is not enough for one’s evaluation. It is necessary to take on an inner mind, on a mentality.
According to St. John Klimak, the monks belong to the group of blessed crying (Mt 5: 4), among those who understood that there is no greater joy in this world over the “tears of repentance.” A classic of Armenian poetry, St. Gregor Nazi anus often returns to the theme of “unspeakable joy, which is in tears according to God »and which alone will save man from crying in a world that hurts torments, and tortures. No wonder they were and will always be those who are willing, like St. Teresa from Jesus, to leave the happiest family environment and go all the way to Rome to ask them to allow her to choose a “life of repentance” before she is old enough. Even those who devote themselves to apostolic life have their joy. A nurse who served many sicks who dedicated to abandoned children, a priest to whom thousands of people entrusted its most secret and innermost to the clergy problem}; they will all never feel lost, they killed their lives because they promised poverty, purity, obedience. They know that only these restrictions have allowed them the freedom to work for God. They, therefore, compare religious vows to wings. They weigh, but without them, they would not rise. However, the church values ​​the religious state. The Second Vatican Council issued a special resolution to show its significance and in downtime. It says there: «Religious societies, which have arisen in the Church, help their members enter into steadfastness and give them good instruction in attaining perfection.

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